hang drying buds 1st time grow 1st time harvest


Well-Known Member
ok the strain i grew was misty sister of white widow said to have 17-20%thc content i had about 13k lumens on her during flowering only 7k during veg and she strecthed bad i used a 15-30-15 for flowering and a 24-8-16 for veg i grey in a 8.9 gallon pot because i thought it was a 5 gallon pot lol and in the last 2 and a half weeks of flowering i had to move my brother got jumped and was left with 16 stiches on his head by a gang i thought i was coo wit so i was barly with my plant when the buds were getting plump and fat and i had no internet/camera to ask u guys questions about my plant now finally today i got internet and its 4 day of drying im not sure if this is a good setup for a hang dry but its wat i could think of in a couple mins that i had since its a stealth grow here it is a please post comments opinions of wat u guys think



Well-Known Member
forgot some shit im not sure how much it weighed when i first cut them down i had no scale so i really dont know wat ill end up with im gunna hang dry for a week and cure for a week. IM really concerned bouut this mold issue and im wondering if my temp and humidity is good so that i dont encourage mold, can someone tell me what encourages mold, and can someone show me some pictures of molded bud in early stages and in late stages??? would be greatyl appreciated (plus+) and if not than i can juss google. also an im pretty sure alot of u buy and use candles i was wondering if i can cure my buds in one of those its has an airtight lid im pretty sure alot of u have seen one im planning on burning alll the wax out than dis-infecting the jar. wats a good temp for curing??? and humidity???and when should i cut off the leafs of my buds and make some hash thnx lots everyone


Well-Known Member
about how far will away should i have the fan cuz i had the fan about 1ft away should i put it gurther away


Well-Known Member
Your temp and humidity is fine. They are hard to adjust anyways. You will not have a mold problem. It takes a lot of leaves to make hash like alot, like a shit load.


Well-Known Member
ok so i checked on my buds again today and there starting to get hard this is day 5 is that bad??? only the bottom parts the the parts closer to the top are still kinda wet should i take them down and cure them or wat and anyone have any opinions about my candle jar idea if u guys want i can take a pic


Well-Known Member
Have you tried snappin the internal stem cause if you can feel it break without breaking the buds apart I believe they are dried. I dont think you should cure if the buds are still wet because mold will be more inherent because of the humidity in the jars. But I only know from reading not experience. O btw you should always manicure right after you harvest because the leaves are easier to trim that way n they can go right into a hash stash. I read somewhere that excess leaves can elongate the drying process as they still have moisture in them.


Well-Known Member
coo man thnx and the leafs are all dried up now so and some of the buds are hard so imma take them down tommarow morning and see what its like im not unna be able to make that much hash i juss want to see how much i can really make and plus i never tried it so it would be a new thing for me


Well-Known Member
You can use your jar for curing if its air tight. If there is any smell left from the candle that smell may enter the weed.


Well-Known Member
You can use your jar for curing if its air tight. If there is any smell left from the candle that smell may enter the weed.
true now that i think bout it thnx but the candle smells good and wouldnt that be better if im trying to sell some


Well-Known Member
You might regret it if you do....most of the aroma comes during the curing process, so you may not need any additives. You can also use citrus zest to perk em up...we used to do that back in the day. If you must do something, I would just do it to some of it...not the whole crop.


Well-Known Member
k thnx lots reeally changes my veiws but now i have an other questions... will leaving the leafs on my buds change the smell/taste/aroma of my buds??? and can i take the leafs off right now while only 5 days in to hang drying???? will it harm my buds and encourage mold


Well-Known Member
You're fine...there are plenty of people that do it the way you are. You could take them off, but you can knock off some of the resin and stuff. I don't know about it encouraging mold or not...I don't think that it would. If the leaves aren't crispy yet and won't crumble when you try to cut them, and I were in your shoes, I may take them off. But if they've dried a lot, I would just wait till you cure.


Well-Known Member
The last thing you want is mold. It broke my heart to throw away an entire plant because of mold. Orkin came in and I had to chop early and hide in the garage. By the time I got it out, mold was everywhere. I was sorry I did not dry it in the oven. At least I would have had something. Instead, I had to throw it all out so watch for mold whatever you do.


Well-Known Member
Just don't put them in a cool damp place like a grage and you should be fine man....no need to tweak...I mean aren't you bout ready for curing. How many days has it been now?