hydro growth is crazy!


Well-Known Member
Like title says...

I wont go back! Using 12 site, 5 gallon ebb n flow system and i can see growth an plant movement all the time. Just seems very interactive whereas with the soil it went so slowly and when i added different increments of nutes i couldnt notice much of a diffference and had me nervous of salt buildup ect...

I open tent couple times a day to see if needs anything and not one time in about 2 weeks have i had to do anything but add ph down cause i used silica rocks like a dummy in my medium.(ph continues rising dailly from it)



Well-Known Member
I love hydro too, and I have a degree in soil science. I would estimate growth rate to be double that of soil. The only down-side is initial cost.


Well-Known Member
I love hydro too, and I have a degree in soil science. I would estimate growth rate to be double that of soil. The only down-side is initial cost.
yes can be big money to get it all set up unless your good at diy, im not so i have to spend big money but like you say one's you have the hydro stuff then its cheap after that, im 5ft3 and size 6uk i can't be lifting big bags of dirt about or coco. hydro is defo for me ;-)


Well-Known Member
Ehhh, cost wasnt bad... $900 for 2 matching systems then i spent $600 in enough nutes for 4 harvests mabe 3.5 harvests, $300 for the blue lab, $20 for air bubbler... it can deffinetly add up but most items are soil/hydro usable that needs to be bought anyways.


Well-Known Member
Yep, plus you don't have to worry about the neighbours wondering about all the waste in the bin!


Well-Known Member
That's the beauty of hydro, been using it for yrs and like said, easy to make adjustments with fast results.


Well-Known Member
2 weeks? Cool, but 2 weeks don't make you a hydro grower. Not to be negative but hydro can be unforgiving if something goes wrong - but I wish you all the best luck.


Well-Known Member
So far so good... you are right though lol. Its new territory for me as well as growing in general but im around it everyday checking things and researching. I have my ph chart memorized and the chart of defficiencies printed out. I know it will be ok cause my enviroment is clean. I clean the pots once week and i know not to go crazy with them cause weed is supposidly one of those grow on its own plants. Keep it simple an feed them in small increment. Learn my strain over time. I know in like 2 week of flower ill have a post on here on my yellowing or something lol. Hopefully not though.


Well-Known Member
So far so good... you are right though lol. Its new territory for me as well as growing in general but im around it everyday checking things and researching. I have my ph chart memorized and the chart of defficiencies printed out. I know it will be ok cause my enviroment is clean. I clean the pots once week and i know not to go crazy with them cause weed is supposidly one of those grow on its own plants. Keep it simple an feed them in small increment. Learn my strain over time. I know in like 2 week of flower ill have a post on here on my yellowing or something lol. Hopefully not though.
​if you keep the veg food in to flower you will have no yellowing ;-)