Tell me they're pretty!


Active Member
Because I've been good and nobody knows I'm growing and I NEED to share!

1st grow (except for an "accidental" outside plant that did really well considering I paid no attention to her and 117 outside)
unknown bagseed
374w cfl and fluoros
Earth Juice full line
vegged for 8 weeks (including slight hiccup when all but one was pulled up completely the the hair :sad:)
3 of 5 were female (exactly what I had room for with 4 gal pots)
3 weeks into flower today


I'm pretty sure I've messed up the pics!




New Member
Thank goodness for RIU right? If I did not hav a place to share my girlies with I would have had a stroke! LOL!

Awesome grow! They are beautiful! +rep for you!


Active Member
Gosh I feel MUCH better! Thanks're very kind :lol:

Hammer---That actually fits into a closet for when I get around to making a decent carbon scrubber fan set up for the heat.
If you're talking about the unused space on top, I would love to turn it into a veg space somehow but I'm not sure how to go about it really. I had no idea how tall these girls would get. Looks like not very tall! LST forever....

Edit ooops...not sure it's cool to post a link to another forum doh! Anyway the carbon scrubber is the one using the Lasko blower.