My Way of Growing is Better than Your Way of Growing


New Member
A place to come and argue your differences. I may grow this way and you may grow this way but lets see those BUDS and let others decide... HAHAHA


Active Member
I'm growing under a stoneage setup. Literally. Bare bones. I've always wondered how much of a difference it would make if I upgraded to something fancy. My whole setup cost around $40.


Active Member
Gave this blueberry kush shitty conditions.. hot (bout 82 degrees), stuffed in a corner of a closet, given random spectrums of light, watered with tap water through a brita filter every few days, and used MG african violet soil in about a 1-1.5 gallon container. but seems like shes doin fairly well! not the best it could be I'm sure but with the given environmental conditions..not bad to me!
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I think marijuana can be grown by anyone in so many conditions.. the plant adapts as long as its getting light water and nutrients!


New Member
Gave this blueberry kush shitty conditions.. hot (bout 82 degrees), stuffed in a corner of a closet, given random spectrums of light, watered with tap water through a brita filter every few days, and used MG african violet soil in about a 1-1.5 gallon container. but seems like shes doin fairly well! not the best it could be I'm sure but with the given environmental conditions..not bad to me!
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I think marijuana can be grown by anyone in so many conditions.. the plant adapts as long as its getting light water and nutrients!
Oh sooo TRUE mate


Active Member
Yup. I'm growing in a closet with brown walls and brown carpet. 6 plants in 16oz cups with a 4ft, 2 buld floro fixture 6500k and a 2ft, 2 bulb floro with daylights. The first sprouted on 10-23 and are about 8 inches tall and not lookin to bad at all.


New Member
Yup. I'm growing in a closet with brown walls and brown carpet. 6 plants in 16oz cups with a 4ft, 2 buld floro fixture 6500k and a 2ft, 2 bulb floro with daylights. The first sprouted on 10-23 and are about 8 inches tall and not lookin to bad at all.
What ever gets the job done mate


Active Member
As long as you can leave it alone it will be fine but that is the problem isn't it; being able to leave it alone. Keep out of grow stores and leave all of the potions and concoctions there. You got it right, enough but not too much water, right amount and not too much light and go easy on the nutrients.
Gave this blueberry kush shitty conditions.. hot (bout 82 degrees), stuffed in a corner of a closet, given random spectrums of light, watered with tap water through a brita filter every few days, and used MG african violet soil in about a 1-1.5 gallon container. but seems like shes doin fairly well! not the best it could be I'm sure but with the given environmental conditions..not bad to me!
View attachment 1881471
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I think marijuana can be grown by anyone in so many conditions.. the plant adapts as long as its getting light water and nutrients!


Active Member
:hump:Of course if you do feed nutrients and give ideal conditions you will get better yields but.. For the typical person who just wants a "free" (not really free..electric/soil/lights/water...) lil bit of bud its perfect just doing your own experiments and even shitty grows if that happens to be the case. Its all a learning experience and a great way to gain a new respect for something that we all take for granted!:joint:


Active Member
Nanook you have any pics you could post up? also remember that cfl's really dont get too hot and you can have them literally almost touching your leaves for best results! Try not to touch them cause they will damage/burn the leaves (you can see how it happened in my thread tubgirl..blueberry kush) lol


New Member
wiimbs plant has a fuckin tree trunk. wtf. nice work right there. real bushy too.
do u even know how to smoke all that medicine? cuz if u dont im feeling pretty sick over here.
lmao m8 thanks, pop over and check the roots lol
beilve mate i can smoke all that!:):):)