Sunshine Advanced Mix #4...What Should I Keep The Ph At?


Well-Known Member
ok! so i have been using the Sunshine Advanced Mix #4. i like it. i have heard good things about from other growers as well. BUT! i have found out recently it is not exactly what i thought it was. i have been treating it as if it was coco. i have found out recently it is peat. i have been treating it like hydro, for the most part and keeping the ph at 6.0. i have been having ups and downs. and in some major ways. im finally in the last few weeks of flower, and the buds look awesome!! but the leafs, look fried. i had a few plants that looked as if they had no problems at all, then within the last few days i have been noticing the leafs changing a lighter color. im assuming i need to re-adjust my ph. since its not a full coco medium. i am going to adjust it to about 6.5. unless i get information stating otherwise. i just want them to get back on the right track. im thinking about switching mediums here soon, but i still have a lot of the SAM#4 left, plus, i have to figure out what im doing wrong before i stop using it. once i start something i have to finish it. i have to figure out how to use this stuff and have positive results. id like to switch to the Botanicare Coco Blend. but i have to get this down first. any help will be greatly appreciated!!:leaf:

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
just use #4 3.8 compressed next time. i think thats what u wanted any ways. i hope u figure out your probloms.


Well-Known Member
i know i was in the process of asking why you asked why and my computer froze. i was after the Sunshine Mix i saw on the Jorge Cervantes dvd. but when i went to the store that what they had. and i grabbed it cuz my friend said to get coco. i read coco on the bag so i grabbed it!! sorry if i came off asshole-ish.


Well-Known Member
what im really after is the Botanicare Coco bale. its pre-mixed bale. i think that is what i am after. i really want to stay in coco. i have had very good results considering the mistakes. im curious, should i up the ph to 6.5, start treating it like soil?

is there a coco based Sunshine Mix??


Well-Known Member
i have heard pros and cons with that mix. some people love it, and some don't. what strains you growing? and what kind of yields you getting? much appreciation for the info though!!

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
i have heard pros and cons with that mix. some people love it, and some don't. what strains you growing? and what kind of yields you getting? much appreciation for the info though!!
great yields. sour d and og kush is what i grow.huge yields really.


Active Member
something often looked over by Sunshine Mix users is that it is 70% Peat Moss...
over time, that peat decomposes and becomes more acidic.
so those nutrients you are using are ph'd at 6.5, but the soil is going to lower that.
the answer is Dolomite Lime. 1 cup per cubic foot.
it is composed of Calcium and Magnesium, the calcium corrects soil acidity, making nutrients more available.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
something often looked over by Sunshine Mix users is that it is 70% Peat Moss...
over time, that peat decomposes and becomes more acidic.
so those nutrients you are using are ph'd at 6.5, but the soil is going to lower that.
the answer is Dolomite Lime. 1 cup per cubic foot.
it is composed of Calcium and Magnesium, the calcium corrects soil acidity, making nutrients more available.
what soil?


Well-Known Member
Sunshine Mix does have soil in it. or dirt. one of the two. i plan on switching to the coco based Sunshine Mix. i just saw an add for it today. but i have a bunch of this SMA#4 left, so it will be a few months. maybe after i get all these veg plants into flower ill have to need for more medium. then i am going to switch to either the coco based mix by Sunshine or Botanicare. what every they have at the shop i go to. i have to do some transplanting soon, so hopefully i will use this stuff up very soon. Dolomite Lime...? i see that stuff, it looked spendy, they only have 1 bottle where i shop at, and if i remember correctly it was like $50!! so, my ph is going up? so i should be ph'ing my nutes to 6.5? or just get the Dolomite Lime? i have less then a month til i harvest. so, time is crucial!!