

Active Member
Alright, I like to think ahead of things.For you dealers do you guys have "nick names" or fake names. I bought a Fake ID with a totally diffrent name than mine or is that going to far.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
Hey man if they can get around the system then let them. It's not like they're selling heroin and ruining people's lives and driving them into debt. Just my opinion. :)
well yeah someones gotta do it i suppose ,but i think its dumb myself ,id rather go work, grow my own , and not completely fuck my life up by going to prison .


Well-Known Member
welcome the cuban states of america.. bush has instituted Cold WarII, the American gov vs. the American way of life.

fake id = heavy fed charges

fake id + drugs = a long all expense paid vacation at club Fed

fake id + growroom = disappear into the national intelligence beauru


Well-Known Member
a) if you can grow/deal/whatever and get away with it. you're my hero
b) American government has been punishing drugs since their inception. It's not a bush thing.

BTW, I hate Bush and he sucks nasty cock. But it still doesn't change the fact that the recent politics will continue when Bush is gone. I say this because it's important to keep pressure up even when democrats win an election as they will just sit back and take paychecks and not fix a damn thing.


New Member
The guy sounds like an idiot. What's the point in a dealer having fake I.D? So he can get into nightclubs?

The guy's been watching too many films. You can't just decide you are going to be a dealer, it just happens. Also, you can't be a mug. fake I.D is not going to stop the wanna be gangstas from kicking off your front door. it helps if you have good street cred, so if they want to come and get you they know they've got to do it properly. Also, watch out for other dealers, their the ones that'll set you up to get robbed.


New Member
well yeah someones gotta do it i suppose ,but i think its dumb myself ,id rather go work, grow my own , and not completely fuck my life up by going to prison .
Hmmm, interesting point. Do you have a family of your own? Meaning your own wife and kids?

If not, wouldn't you agree that life is all about perspective? That Freedom, is a state of mind? So, because I have spent more than my fair share of my time in jail, that I'm dumb? As I can tell you this is far from the case. I've always been a writer, and this has led me to seek adventure, to put myself into situations I may not get out of. I know the life I have led has made me a better writer. The truth is jail will only fuck your life up if you let it.

I take it also that you are a med' user? That you can grow it legally? If not, then with your attitude I'd stop growing.


Well-Known Member
I grow and stay within my legal limit because my medical condition makes me paranoid as hell. I couldn't handle the idea the cops might be after me. Tried years ago. You know the kind cameras and sensors everywhere. Smile!

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
I couldn't handle the idea the cops might be after me. Tried years ago. You know the kind cameras and sensors everywhere. Smile!
Yep- I know those guys.

That's why I put in cameras and sensors everywhere.

Smile, LEO! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Al me too. I have several cameras and the moniter is in the front room. The cameras all have two way talking also. Sensor lights in several places. The automatic gate is the best through. Someone pulls up I can get on the moniter and ask who are you? If I don't know them no way do I open the gate (I can open it from inside with a remote) I just let the dogs out to greet them at the fence.

I love gadgets.