Increasing female to male ratios


Active Member
Are any of these methods proven to work, to get a higher percentage of females from regular seeds ?

1. Using ethylene gas.
2. Lower temps.
3. Higher Humidity.
4. 12/12light cycle till first set of true leaves.

Any others you have heard of or tried ?


Well-Known Member
This is what a wise man told me:
1. a higher nitrogen concentration will give more females.
2. a higher potassium concentration will give more males.
3. a higher humidity will give more females.
4. a lower temperature will give more females.
5. more blue light will give more females.
6. Fewer hours of light will give more females. It is important to start these changes at the three-pairs-of-leaves stage and continue for two or three weeks, before reverting to standard conditions.


Well-Known Member
this is absurd.

Seeds are male, female, or intersexed.
that's it. period. a seed already is what it is.
you can't change it with any environmental factor.

a hermie grown in a dialed in environment with a master grower however, will never reveal'll always appear either a male or a female.
i swear it's true! I can't prove it, and i'm totally new to all this, but i can feel it in my bones!

the rest is fairy stories....


Active Member
this is absurd.

Seeds are male, female, or intersexed.
that's it. period. a seed already is what it is.
you can't change it with any environmental factor.

a hermie grown in a dialed in environment with a master grower however, will never reveal'll always appear either a male or a female.
i swear it's true! I can't prove it, and i'm totally new to all this, but i can feel it in my bones!

the rest is fairy stories....
ya your wrong. they determine their sex in the early stages of life a seed has a chance of becoming one of 2 sexes or both, but it is not predetermined.


Well-Known Member
I believed that very thing not just a week ago.

nope...they are just like people, yo. In general terms mind you...
boy, girl, or freak. babies and seeds are what they are.

Freaks seem normal until you mess with the hormonal balance and then they flip on you and, oh! Hermies!.
females and males just get sick and produce crap.
Simple as that.

I'll change my mind once i get more experience in the matter...probably....fear not.


Well-Known Member
I would like to see some proof of it, if it all is true and it really does work you should be able to find some good scientific experiments that prove it. if 1 guy can do it that means anyone should be able to replicate, so their should be plenty of good scientific side by side experiment proof. i'd like to see them/it. im a bit skeptical though. its been proven with some animals that certain conditions do effect the male/female ratio(crocodiles and turtles for example), so its not a terrible theory, but ive never seen anyone ever present solid scietific evedince with marijuana.


Well-Known Member
ya your wrong. they determine their sex in the early stages of life a seed has a chance of becoming one of 2 sexes or both, but it is not predetermined.
we have a winner here johnny with the right answer behind door #1, what does he win? hopefully lots of future female plants!


Well-Known Member
look...the brass tacks is this...
It doesn’t take a horticulturist to see that using cloning to procure a room full of female cannabis plants after you isolate a REAL one is far more economical than growing expensive “feminized seeds” that "easily go hermaphroditic" or constantly fussing with silly environmental details trying to change a chromosome into something it isn't....
RAPD markers encoding retrotransposable elements are linked to the male sex in Cannabis sativa L.


Active Member
I heard on here that you could use the pollen from a female bannana (I think they appear after being flowered too long) on a early flowering female to make 100% female seeds... Supposedly its how the breeders do it...


Well-Known Member
that is a way to make feminized seeds, well, sort of, you wont get any males, but genetic hermies and plants very sensitive to going hermie because of stress are still on the table.
a much more stable method is to take a bunch of females and give them an hour of light in the middle of their dark period, as the plants go hermie kill them. now you just keep doing that till you find a true female, a female that cannot hermie from natural stresses, you then apply colodial silver to the plant and collect the pollen from the deformed pollen sacks and pollinate itself.


New Member
screw paying out the ass for feminized seeds or even making them, ill never buy them again. i experimented with a 4 plant shwag seed grow to see how well i could dank it out, also i had the theory if shwag is normally smokeable for most people i never buy the crap but it works and gets people high then its obviously a dominant female plant that was pollinated which is the process for making feminized seeds, so one day i figured ill test it out if my theory is correct so every seed my friends tossed away i picked out any that were fat and big, i took them all. i planted 4 and low and behold i got 4/4 females never had a high success like that so either my theory of a place to get cheap feminized seeds works or im just very very lucky, ive been growing for years and could only get 2 females even only 1 out of the 4 if i was lucky. buying a sack of shwag just for the seeds is probably worth more than the smoke itself.

none of it has hermed out either, all 100% female so say what you want but im sticking with shwag seeds, they are grown horribly but because of that its a good source for naturally feminized seeds also the genetics are quite good surprisingly due to the amount of abuse these plants go through.

that and banana peels, thats all i know that works for sure other than just taking good care of your plants and making sure its high in nitrogen.

sorry if its schwag swag whatever i dont care, you get my point. its about 4 weeks into flowering, sorry can only use my phone for pictures atm and some better of it in veg.



Active Member
Go with fems if you can next time saves much time and in this case maybe money
don't think ill ever go with fems again out of 8 seeds 4 hermied i know it was prob my own fault with high temps but surely i would have a 50/50 chance with regular beans for a fraction of the price


New Member
got my camera.

see all shwag seed :), however its pronounced, no one would ever know it was. this is why im sticking to shwag seeds for a mere 10 dollar sack from anyone you can get cheap feminized seeds. or half the time people are willing to give them to you for free.



Reptiles determine their sex from environmental factors, alligators for instance will become all male, all female, or a mix depending of the temperature in the nest. Also, species of fish can change their sexual expression according to environment and other factors.

Cannabis as a plant expressing distinctive sexes (dioecious) are actually a rarity, most plants are monoecious with both male and female organs expressed on the same plant. Given these facts, and the fact that cannabis can be stressed or manipulated to go hermie, it builds a pretty strong case that the sexual expression indeed is influenced by the environment.

The evolutionary advantage is obvious, as seedbearing plants both needs more time, and good conditions regarding anchorage and nutrient availability for success.

The single most important aspect according to my knowledge, is to provide for deeper sprouting pots, as the unhindered downward growth of the taproot helps the seedling determine if there's anchorage and a big enough pocket of soil to sustain seed-production.

The rest of the factors is meant to replicate the conditions of early spring, to let it know it has plenty of time to ripen seeds.
From outdoor growing for years,I've found that a tight planting guerrilla grow,designed to resemble a wild patch of ditchweed tends to produce more males,about 2/3 male to 1/3 female ratio. If you spread them out,the ratio pops up to roughly 50-50 or sometimes 60-40 female.

The following is just a guess on my part,but I think the spring weather plays a large role in sex determination. I always got more males in a wet cool spring,than I did in a normal or dry spring. I also found if I delayed planting until mid-late May,about the time local farmers planted their second corn crop I got more females. I attributed that to the warmth of the soil and the intensity of the sun enabling the seedling to establish a strong root system playing a factor in sex.

This all from years of observation,I'm no scientist.