My Dinafem White Widow Flowering Pics


Well-Known Member
Hey Every1 Just gunna share some pics of my current grow Dinafem White Widow, shes 5 weeks in and i can see why she gets the name White, She is oozing out crystals more and more by the day making her look really white in appearance and so sticky to touch also iv still got 4 weeks left, shes is gunna be absoloutly covered by harvest. Theres some pictures from a week or 2 a go in there aswell but there is also some from today im sure you will be able to tell which is which. Nice1



Well-Known Member
Forgot to say that shes is the smallest iv grown yet but the way she is pumping out crystals think its gonna be quality over quantity this time, until of course i get my grow tent next payday and can flower 3 big plants at a time from then on, can't wait. She is bout 2 ft but the nugs are rock solid the most dense i have grown yet i would say, the g13 pineapple would be hard to top but by the end i think this will prevail as the densest bud iv grown. nice1


Well-Known Member
This plant just keeps pumping out more and more resin by the day. I have always wondered about widow coz i have bought bud before that was supposed to be widow but after smoking it i knew that it couldn't of been the famous strain, so thought i had to do it myself so i can actually say for sure that i have smoked white widow. Now that i am growing it i am very impressed with this strain growing and hope it smokes great too. Any1 have any input about the 1 - 2 weeks in the dark that the breeder recommends at the end of the plants cycle, they say it will help pump out even more resin but im wondering if it is really needed because the resin she is pumping out already is crazy, any1 with experience with this dark period it would be much appreciated to have your input on it. Thanks, Nice1


Well-Known Member
Just another quick update of pics since im bored. nice1



Active Member
Yo man, just had a flick thru the pics, and she's lookin tasty! Nice and white too, so it does prove the point that everyone in town lies about widdow mate. 'cuz that's looking pretty damn white bud! So this is the last one on her own i'm guessin, as you'll have that tent by the next time?
Oh yeah, by the way... In your sig, you got the dinafem widdow current grow going to your G13 PE journel.
Anyways gimme buzz if about lad, nice one.


Active Member
hello. ww grow myself. are in the fourth week of flowering, your plants are in how many weeks ??


Well-Known Member
Yo man, just had a flick thru the pics, and she's lookin tasty! Nice and white too, so it does prove the point that everyone in town lies about widdow mate. 'cuz that's looking pretty damn white bud! So this is the last one on her own i'm guessin, as you'll have that tent by the next time?
Oh yeah, by the way... In your sig, you got the dinafem widdow current grow going to your G13 PE journel.
Anyways gimme buzz if about lad, nice one.
Nice1 lad, oh shit that sig things a pain in d ass, Should be sorted now. My blue Widow just popped but if the tent still comes in time gunna have to hit the tude for some more seeds only got a bubba kush left after this blue widow.Hopefully this blue widow will have the same sort of resin amount as the white does coz this has blown my mind. p.s sent u a msg on the xbox lad Nice1


Active Member
Hey man, I got your message and took a chance and walked down to yours. Right mission in that snow. I've got some seeds if you need a couple mate. Green Poison, Blue Mistic, Special kush & special queen? Blue widow sounds funky man, that bluberry with ww? dinafem one i'm guessin.. Just found maggots in the one with stunted growth, so taken her out. you think 5 weeks veg for the chronic would be alright for my space? let me know if you can, nice one lad.


Well-Known Member
hello. ww grow myself. are in the fourth week of flowering, your plants are in how many weeks ??
Hey, It's only 1 plant but its just about to start its 7th week. I will update more pics soon got a bit fatter now. Nice1


Well-Known Member
its my favorite weed cant beat that taste
Can't honestly say iv ever smoked it so can't wait to find out how she will taste, i'v heard she less fruity and more in your face skunky. She smells real skunky over fruity. Thanks for checkin her out. Nice1


Active Member
I wna taster of this lad, same reason as you... i wanna know what tru widow is like ;) No more lies!! Keep us updated with pics dude :D N1


New Member
Can't honestly say iv ever smoked it so can't wait to find out how she will taste, i'v heard she less fruity and more in your face skunky. She smells real skunky over fruity. Thanks for checkin her out. Nice1
mine was a freebee. i called it the wutang plant because the leaves were the exact shape of that w. never encountered a tastier weed never been so high and satisfied off of a bowlpack. my fantasy garden someday when i can have a longer grow is dfem ww. now i do pk its fast as hell and definatly my #2


Well-Known Member
Just a few more pics for you. What i love bout the pics of buds in front of a cage is that they are the lowest down branch on the plant right next to my vegging bulb being used as side lighting, and i swear they are as fat as the top colas, I love high powered cfl as side lighting gives you FAT buds all the way down to the bottom. Sadly iv had to remove this as i have just sprouted a Dinafem Blue Widow and need to get it vegging ready to start flowering when this gets the chop. I think these have gained enough size tho to finish up nicely with just the HPS. Nice1

