Watering amount and frequency and each stage Help.


Active Member
Hey rollitup. I need some help. Ho often do a water a seedsling about 1/1/2 in ch tall hasnt even lost the shell yet? how much water? daily?

how much water when it gets bigger? how to avoid overwatering? growing iced grapfruit in ma closet..need help


Well-Known Member
Water it ONLY when it NEEDS it. Lift the pot, if its light it needs water, if its heavy it doesn't. The more roots it has the more water it will drink so as it gets older the more you will be watering. As a seeding you will only need to water maybe once a week.


Well-Known Member
When you water you always water enough to get drain 10-20% drain off from the pot. If you don't you will build up excess salts in the soil and eventually burn the plants. The more run off the better but make sure you're waiting long enough between waterings for the roots to air out.


Active Member
Cool thanx...We be growing with crops in alexandria but i dont think my cut be right..so im tryna learn on mii own.


Active Member
Buy a spray bottle mate (unless u have 1 already) and mist your cube when it seems like it needs it, The cube just needs to be moist while thre young