SOG PURPLE KUSH ANd others. CLoset grow


Well-Known Member
16 purple kush,4 "kush clones" Off a BCSeedking kush mother, 2 BCSK Mango clones from a friends plant. I cloned all of them, The rest i got i put outside on a nice hillside.
Medium= Sunshine-mix4
Nutes= AN growbloommicro, problend bloom pro, koolbloom
Lighting= Digital 400watt lumiteck with sylvia bulb 10"inchs from plants
AIR= I leave it open all day and closed at night. Im getting a little Charcoal filter soon. I got a 6 inch inline. Im going to run that on a rheostat to control noise.
SPace= 2x6x8 closet. grow space 2x3
These are a qauter of the clones i took off my mothers. I had many many white widows. like 100 cuttings. I gave 50 to my friends for the outdoor and there dog ate about half of them. And i lost half to cold temps and no superthrive. Superthrive made a high sucess rate when used with rootech gel. The widows were my first clone attempt. Pk was a bit better and got about 70 from 110. Everytime it gets better.
This is a micro grow just for fun.
I gave them a 5 day 24/7 veg. Its currently on day 5 Of 12.12
I bleachd everything and i spray them with neem.
This is my only 400watter. When i get the filter in 3 weeks i will upgrade. Im In BC so heat is not much of an issue. I have a small ac that i could plug in in a month or two.
The BC Purple Kush is the real deal that always turns out nice. I didnt get The Pk from a seedsite.
The Bcseedking Is alright. Fast delivery. Im going to get the superlemonhaze fem from greenhouse. Get 1 mom out of them all.
Im growing 15 kush seeds out right now. There under cfls. im going to get them ready for the great outdoors. just for seeds and smoke.
Ill post more soon. This isnt the only one:clap: youll see:shock:



Well-Known Member
looks good but i dunno about the 3 plants in 1 pot idea
why not? 1 gallon for each one. They are flowering right now. Have you ever done a sog grow? I have.. I dont like watering small pots that dry up everyday. I only have to water once a week right now. temps are at 24.
I take off all the bottoms so they just grow tops. The "Kush" grow one top with no side branches.
Im used to soil beds. I plant 120 in a 4x8.


Well-Known Member
How tall are you trying to get those plants
about a foot tall. I dont want them tall. 400 is a small light. The bulb is 10 " away. I want the 400 to get them all. Thats why im keeping them small. If i had a 1000watt i would need more space. I only vegged for 5 days. With the 1000 you have around 30 per light and a 15 day veg time and they get about three feet tall.
My friends dad just got 8lbs off 6 600's and 120 plants two weeks vegtime and with no CO2 and only Ganular Fertilizer. Thats my PK.


Well-Known Member
i gave them there first dose of hydroboost yesterday. Ill get you guys an update when i start to see flowers


Well-Known Member
I don't know about more than one plant per pot. I forsee see a root problem in the near future.


Well-Known Member
I think your roots will tangeled and effect growth. Look at all the pics and videos of these large scale grows. I have NEVER seen a grow on any of the sites that had more than one plant in a pot. Good luck tho.


Well-Known Member
I think your roots will tangeled and effect growth. Look at all the pics and videos of these large scale grows. I have NEVER seen a grow on any of the sites that had more than one plant in a pot. Good luck tho.
I guess youve never seen a planter before. Im gona prove that you can grow more than one plant in each pot. I put OxyCal in the first two pots. Its an oxygen and calcium suppliment. Ill see if the teaspoon made a differnce.
The only reason i did the three potting is because i dont have much space and dont have any other pots. If i was going to veg for three weeks each one would get there own three gallon pot.
IMO 1 gallon for each week of veg is good.
I have never heard of tangled roots


Well-Known Member
way to take on a challange. I hope you are sucessful and prove me wrong.Looking forward to seeing your results.


Well-Known Member
my dad uses kiddy swimming pools and fills them with girls. one per 1k light and gets pounds. so i know it works too
Its funny that you say that because i have heard of that method.
Raised beds are a good example tho. 4x8 with two 1000's or two 600. You put the beds side by side so the light overlaps.
You dont have to water asmuch. You can mix organics and amendments to your choice. The larger soil mass is better.
I am using 3 gallons pots. Im using pots because its easier to move than a 2x3 sqaure wood "bed" They didnt get a long veg(5days) Roots grow the most in veg. Roots also grow down. Its easyer to maintain. I water once a week right now. The most ill have to water is twice a week with these. I didnt want little containers you have to water to often.
My friends just use hydroponic tables and fill them with Pro-mix or Sunshine4. They plant 120 in each 4x8 with no veg time. They get like 3-4 off that.


Well-Known Member
but for this experiment, Mr. Smileyface is using what looks like a 5 gallon bucket.
its a three gallon bucket... They get one gallon each.
I just took some clones tonight. PK is really bushy so you have to take the bottoms off of them for SOG. I got 10 cuttings of the pk. Its only day 8 of 12/12 so the clones wont take long to get some roots. They will go outdoors 1 week after rooting and hardning off.


Well-Known Member
Ok here is a 5 day update
currently on day 10 of 12/12:leaf:
I sprayed with some neem today
The two 3 gallon pots closest to the door are the ones i put OXYCAL in. They seem to be doing the best out of them all.

