Combining organic and chemical nutrients


I have been using the 3 part flora system for nutrients in my water grow. Since the girls have been going through the pre-flower stage Ive decided recently to purchase a bottle of liquid worm castings and guano, along with some bc seaweed. All of the numbers of the organics are very low or nothing at all so I am hoping adding these to the flora system will really treat the plants to something more. My only concern is overkill. My girls all grow from a 10 gallon tank that keep 7-8 gallons of solution rich water. I only decided to add a few teaspoons of the organics initially to the full tank as I have no idea of the actual results. I am hoping someone with experience in mixing nutrients for water can let me know if this is good for the girls.


Well-Known Member
No problem, you can mix synthetic and organic, and its hard to overkill with seaweed and castings, they provides lots of micronutrients, minerals, and vitamins.


i know this is 2 years old, but thought id bump because it answered an important question for me and it might help another