1 pound a week- FULL DESIGN SETUP.. what you think ??


Well-Known Member

Here is my design........ Im not an english teacher... mind my spelling, nor a grower so any and all input would be appriciated. Critics,experts,opinions all welcome! Help!
After doing maths this would probably do more like 1/2 P or 8 oz a week.... with alot work! the 1 POUND maths is at bottom of this reply.

4-6 mothers .....................


3m------------------> 4m ^

13 week Cycle SOG
resviors seperated and enviromentaly monitored. as ARE ALL ROOMS

1. Clones & MUMS 2x4 table(800mm x 1.6m)
a. 0-4weeks
b. Mums on drip system
c. clones on turbo tank / ebb and flow.
d. 400w MH

2. VEG 2x4 table
a. 4-5wks
b. ebb and flow 2x4 table
c. 400w MH
ph: 5.8 -5.9 EC: 1.6

3. FLOWER #1 - Ebb & flow
a. 5-9 wks
b. part of/ split a 4x6 ebb flow table 1.6mx2.4m converted to drip& e&b. Split with pond liner and a few bits of timber.
c. Shareing 1000w HPS & 400w MH
Own tank: ph 5.6-5.8 ec- 2.2

4.FLOWER#2 - DRIP SYS - only drain to waste
a. 9-13 wks
b. part of/ split a 4x6 ebb flow table 1.6mx2.4m converted to drip& e&b. Split with pond liner and few bits of timber.
c. Shareing 1000w HPS & 400w MH
Own tank: ph 5.6-5.8 ec- 0.6/ flush

5. DRY & CURE station/ cupboards

6. Sink - Fresh/rain water tank with bore pump. AND hose

7. Ducting for cool lamps and intake/out
a. fresh air
b. carbon scrubber

- all nessecery monitoring systems
- Mylar lined
- rockwool - ebb & flow
- Orchid pots & coco fiber - drip
- osilating fans in two coners
- 50-65w per sq ft
- hand over wench and chian for lowering and adjusting lights
- AC

Dose the picture make sense?
Good or Bad ???
Anything else ?
No co2 for moment.....


Here is some APPROX PRICES
$2800 BUDGET.
list - in order of what you would need when.....

Timber- 100
mylar- 50
pengiun plastic - 60
24 electrical points - few extras
intake & outtake fan -200
ducting/colars -150
tube/hoses -50
drippers -10
pots -5
2 of 2x4 ebb & flow tables - 50
4x6 ebb flow table- 80
3 x 400w MH+ballast- 150 ea
1x 1000w HPS+ballast -300
4 x shades -250
4 x temp/ humidity gauge - 150
3x water temp -60
3x water heater- 100
3x air pump-60
3x water pump-60
3x fan (standard)-60
2x double fluro tube & bulbs - 80
AC- 250
3x Resivor - 60
Chain and pullyes - 50
rockwool (lots) - 50
coco fiber (lots) - 50
NUTES - xxxxxxxx
PH up down - xxx
ph pen - 120
ec pen -60
$$$$$$$$$2635 APPROX TOTAL SO FAR


Here is a 1 POUND per wk. Useing SOG theory

WK 1 - 16 clones #a

WK 2 - 16 clones #b

WK 3 - 16 clones #c

WK 4 - 16 clones #d

WK 5 - 16 clones #e VEG #a

WK 6 - 16 clones #f VEG#b FLOWER #a

WK 7 - 16 clones #g VEG #c FLOWER #b

WK 8 - 16 clones #h VEG #d FOWER #c

WK 9 - 16 clones #i VEG #e FLOWER #d

WK 10 - 16 clones #j VEG #f FLOWER #e

WK 11 - 16 clones #k VEG #g FLOWER#f

WK 12 - 16 clones #l VEG #h FLOWER#g

WK 13 - 16 clones #m VEG #i FLOWER#h
Harvest a#

WK 14 - 16 clone#n VEG #j FLOWER #i


4 weeks Fluros
1 week VEg
8 weeks of FLOWER
which will produce:

16 plants 1oz per plant PER WEEK

64 plants a table - 256 plants total
thats alot....

Nute/ph/ec schedual ......... I cant be f right now ......l8tr


Well-Known Member
Im no pro----- Just have read alot in the last couple of months.... While IMAGINARY;) mums growing.......


Well-Known Member
The only thing I would suggest is not imagining four weeks under florescent, a week or at most two should be enough for them to root.

I think they'd be better off going straight to flower as you have two MH you can use with the HPS so growth wouldn't be a problem, if they do finish smaller you can always imagine growing even more next time;-):peace:


Well-Known Member
The only thing I would suggest is not imagining four weeks under florescent, a week or at most two should be enough for them to root.

I think they'd be better off going straight to flower as you have two MH you can use with the HPS so growth wouldn't be a problem, if they do finish smaller you can always imagine growing even more next time;-):peace:
If ive been told my imaginary strain is clone to harvest 13wks - so whats the split????

So your saying all HPS ?
My imaginary stock ALREADY includes 2 MH 4oow 2 HPS 400w and MH 1kw but trading for HPS 1k or 600w....


Well-Known Member
it looks good...hopefully you can produce an ounce a plant and your clones root at one week instead of two.


Well-Known Member
Ive got clones in for 4 weeks at moment - veg 1 week flower 8

so 2week clone , 1 veg, 10 flower ??????


Well-Known Member
No, I'd say imagine moving the rooted clones from under the florescents straight to flowering under MH and HPS, so either one or two weeks to root and then the rest in flower. I think you might have a nine week imaginary cycle instead of 13 that way;-):peace:


Well-Known Member
No, I'd say imagine moving the rooted clones from under the florescents straight to flowering under MH and HPS, so either one or two weeks to root and then the rest in flower. I think you might have a nine week imaginary cycle instead of 13 that way;-):peace:
Dose that fall in line with "real" time... will it mature quick enough ?


Well-Known Member
I think your exhausting is going to cost a lot more than $200, thats a lot of heat generated by 1k hps so your going to need a nice big exhaust fan and then you have another 400w on top of that


Well-Known Member
Got Imaginary electrition/ ac friends..... with old house ducting and colars the $200 will cover two fans intake/ outtake - at local hydro store


Well-Known Member
I don't see you as having nearly enough light and space there. 1lb a week is huge and would generally require 8x 600w lights and 4x4 spaces running all the time perpetually plus your clone/veg area. Technically my setup could yield a lot more than a lb a week used properly, but that is where I would start.

You would not use any halides in a commercial grow, only a personal grow and no 400 and no 1000. All 600 hps's as they are the most efficient.

If you're really good at it, you could pull 2lbs per 600 and run just 4 of them.


Well-Known Member
this wouldn't be your first grow right? Maybe I read your post wrong, but if that is the case, shouldn't you start out small? If I had a nickle for every person who's first grow failed miserably I'd be rich.

Anyways, being a businessman myself, I've always been a fan of the start small and expand with demand way of doing things.


Well-Known Member
You are right..... as corrected at start of post. I thought it could be a 1/2 pound setup... ??? - OREGAN MEDS

No not really 1st... been growing outdoors (4) of per season for many years..
1 st (4) indoors on 13wk cycle..... all personal
Have the demand for medicical reason.... and essentially have a couple of daysa week to spend. - TASTESalty