A question for righties


New Member
Damn dude! You sound like a real prick. No offense or anyting.
You don't know my stepdaughter, she is a she-devil if ever there were, a crackhead on steroids. If I were the prick you called me, she would have been dead before my grandkids were ever born, she's been an asshole since I met her mom 30 years ago. She is living on borrowed time, that's a fact.


New Member
Sounds like the situation my parents found themselves in with my older brother, luckily for them he doesn't have any kids, and I think even my mom is starting to get annoyed with his antics.

I'm not going to go into details, but that sucks Med, sorry.

I just hope my dad doesn't find himself in that 6 O' Clock news position, though I think both of them have finally reached their breaking point, where they are not going to extend a hand.

How can you help some one, repeatedly, if they refuse to change the behaviors that caused the problems in the first place?
Thanks for the empathy. I'm not sniveling, just apraising my situation. if I were to be diagnosed with a fatal disease and it had a timeline, I'm pretty sure I'd take her with me, that way, my wife would get some money from SS to help with raising the girls. She isn't worth the cost of the bullet. The only way for someone to understand this, is they have to experience it for themselves. All's not always well in paradise.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the empathy. I'm not sniveling, just apraising my situation. if I were to be diagnosed with a fatal disease and it had a timeline, I'm pretty sure I'd take her with me, that way, my wife would get some money from SS to help with raising the girls. She isn't worth the cost of the bullet. The only way for someone to understand this, is they have to experience it for themselves. All's not always well in paradise.
Not a problem, I'm sure the situation has to be stressful.

Better to Rule in Hell than Serve in Heaven?


Well-Known Member
I am sorry to hear about your domestic situation, Med. I hope your step-daughter gets her head on straight.
When your whole party line is fuck poor people, what are you going to do for an encore? What are your talking points going to be for the future?
I will respond to your question because, on many points, I am a 'Rightie.'

The poor do not need me to fuck them over. The poor do a magnificent job of fucking themselves with absolutely no assistance from me. There is no mystery to living within your means. Just do it. How can the Right be held responsible for faulty decisions individuals make which result in a cycle of poverty?

Progressives fuck the poor by encouraging an entitlement mentality. Such self-imposed dependency helps no one in the long run. If you depend on the government for your well-being, guess where you will find yourself when the levees break? You will find yourself on a rooftop as the flood waters threaten, waiting to be rescued, desperately hoping the good guys reach you before the bad guys arrive. This world is fraught with risk and every levee will break eventually. Better to be ready for it.

And poor is a relative term. Poor people in the U.S. have it pretty damn good. In fact, the average poor American would be considered rich throughout much of the world. A significant number of poor Americans are FAT! Think about it.

Overall, the typical American defined as poor by the government has a car, air conditioning, a refrigerator, a stove, a clothes washer and dryer, and a microwave. He has two color televisions, cable or satellite TV reception, a VCR or DVD player, and a stereo. He is able to obtain medical care. His home is in good repair and is not overcrowded. By his own report, his family is not hungry and he had sufficient funds in the past year to meet his family's essential needs. While this individual's life is not opulent, it is equally far from the popular images of dire poverty conveyed by the press, liberal activists, and politicians.

Talking points:

1) Rely on yourself. Nobody else really gives a shit about your well-being, nor should they.
2) Live within your means. If you do not make enough salary required to meet your basic needs, your definition of 'basic needs' requires revision. A plasma television is not a basic need. Raise your salary or reduce your basic needs.
3) Get an education. It's free to you thanks to people like me. Once the free public education is completed, continue your education as far as you can. A higher education is not free, but it is highly subsidized and opportunities abound. After educating yourself get a job, any job. Work as hard as you can in that job. Keep that job until you get a better paying job with more lucrative opportunities.
4) Stay out of debt if possible. Some debt is unavoidable, but consumer debt is completely avoidable. Ruin your credit rating and you just fuck yourself.
5) Save 15% of every paycheck. Get in the habit of doing that and you will always have options.
6) Don't have children until you can afford to raise them. Supporting your kids is not my responsibility.


Well-Known Member
...And poor is a relative term. Poor people in the U.S. have it pretty damn good. In fact, the average poor American would be considered rich throughout much of the world. A significant number of poor Americans are FAT! Think about it...
In all fairness, Johnny, I think a lot of poor people in America are fat because the cheapest food around is the unhealthy stuff.

Awesome link about talking to the police! Thanks!


Well-Known Member
In all fairness, Johnny, I think a lot of poor people in America are fat because the cheapest food around is the unhealthy stuff.

Awesome link about talking to the police! Thanks!
Interesting point, but I would counter by saying the easiest food is the unhealthy stuff.

One can eat quite healthy on a limited budget. It's a matter of choice, not economics.


New Member
Interesting point, but I would counter by saying the easiest food is the unhealthy stuff.

One can eat quite healthy on a limited budget. It's a matter of choice, not economics.
I'm sorry Johnny, but coming from the depths of poverty, there is not such a cut and dried escape pattern as you have described. (I wonder if people like you even get that) In a perfect world, yeah every mothers son could rise to the heights you ascribe to. But, this world is far from perfect and the minds of most can't even comprehend that path. A very limited percentage, Maybe one in a thousand, find a way, but not the norm. I came from poor, but not poverty. My dad always worked and provided food and shelter, but not much more, and the food was sometines less than palatable, and we lived in the poor part of town. I couldn't wait to escape and when I turned 16 and had paid my car off and got car insurance, (Cost more than the car) I did. I finished high school by working at night as a busboy and going to school in the AM. I never got rich, that's for sure, but I made a decent living most of my life by working Union jobs.


New Member
In all fairness, Johnny, I think a lot of poor people in America are fat because the cheapest food around is the unhealthy stuff.
Poor people are fat for the same reasons that the majority of middle class and wealthy are fat slobs... they eat nothing but garbage. Why do they eat garbage? Because they are ignorant of proper nutrition. Fresh fruits, whole grains and vegetables are fairly cheap ... especially when they substitute processed foods in cans.

High Fructose Corn Syrup is a major contributing factor in our obesity epidemic and our type-two diabetes epidemic. Want to lose weight almost immediately? Just start reading every label and eliminate any corn syrups ... especially High Fructose Corn Syrup from your diet. Do it ... then check back in this thread in four weeks. Come on ... I dare you! :)

The average American literally "drinks" 58 gallons of High Fructose Corn Syrup each year in the guise of a food additive preservative and a sweetener.

High saturated fats found in baked goods, chips, red meat, candy, dairy products and a myriad of other products clog arteries and lead to an early death from heart and artery disease.

Take a look at all the fast food places in your town. SOMEBODY is eating there ... and most, if not all, serve nothing but over cooked garbage. McDonalds does have good coffee though. Oh ... and Wendy's low fat chile is good too. Other than that, those places lead to early deaths.

The Average American NEVER gets any aerobic exercise and/or resistance training on purpose.

So, is it any wonder that rich, middle class, and poor alike are a bunch of lard asses who can't get out of their own way?



New Member
How fattening are those starbucks coffees and whatnot? Aren't they at least 4 bucks per? I dare say those aren't aimed at the poor.
The latte's are REALLY fattening. And why anyone would drink Starbuck's coffee is way beyond me. The stuff tastes terrible because Starbuck's burns their beans. If you want some great coffee, go here:


Of course, you'll have to learn to roast your own. Once you get the hang of it, you'll never go back, nor will you ever used milk or cream in your coffee again either. Home roasting is the only way to go ... just like home grown weed done right. :lol:



New Member
I don't drink coffee, I've never been even near a starbucks (that's why I didn't know the price).

Coffee causes kidney stones, I encourage my family members to NOT drink it. We're more of the chocolate milk variety around here.


New Member
The latte's are REALLY fattening. And why anyone would drink Starbuck's coffee is way beyond me. The stuff tastes terrible because Starbuck's burns their beans. If you want some great coffee, go here:


Of course, you'll have to learn to roast your own. Once you get the hang of it, you'll never go back, nor will you ever used milk or cream in your coffee again either. Home roasting is the only way to go ... just like home grown weed done right. :lol:

Vi, the lifestyle you live is not exactly available to the masses. There is only so much money or good jobs to go around, and it looks like the gap is widening. There will be a lot less jobs, and a lot less money for the poor. When a single mother has to try and feed and clothe her kids, I doubt she has the time or money to be roasting coffee beans. I realize that the last to suffer will be the well off, but suffer they will, especially when they are outnumbered 1,000 to 1.


Well-Known Member
When your whole party line is fuck poor people, what are you going to do for an encore? What are your talking points going to be for the future?
The exact same ones as now. Downsize the behemouth that is our federal government and have more states rights, balance the budget and return to sound money, stop policing the world with money we dont have, repeal unconstituional legislation such as the patriot act...these types of things. I dont see how any of this has to do with fucking over the poor. Oh, and so you know, liberal economics is why we are going to be in depressionII within obamas first term...I'd say thats a real fuck you to poor people...and the middle class for that matter, a large portion of whcih will become poor


Well-Known Member
When your whole party line is fuck poor people, what are you going to do for an encore? What are your talking points going to be for the future?
why is our whole party line "fuck poor people"? you need to lay off the crack pipe.
our party line is "help those who help themselves" why the fuck would you waste time trying to help someone that doesnt even want to be helped. it's pointless. they don't want to try to even better themselves, yet they want to force people to pay for them to live? pointless.

i'm republican and poor as fuck. so your logic is flawed. capitalism = you can work as hard for whatever you want, work 2 jobs.. alot of people do that to get ahead. stop sitting on your ass waiting for shit to happen, MAKE shit happen.

what is your party line spouting, fuck rich people? what you guys gonna do when they all move to other countries cause it's a world market?


New Member
What about people who bust ass at their job and get rewarded with hours like 35 per week so the employer can cheap out and not have to supply benefits? Is that an example of fuck poor people or an example of the more powerful stepping on others to get ahead?

How about the CEO of Merril Lynch wanting to lay off 20% of the work force yet still had intentions of claiming a million dollar bonus? Is that "fuck poor people" or is that capitolism at its finest?

How about AIG? They went to DC and got their hands on our hard earned taxpayer dollars only to spend nearly and half a million dollars on a spa weekend, now that is screaming "fuck poor people" through a bullhorn.

The big 3 saw this and flew to DC in private jets, why, because they wanted to fuck some poor people too. However after the AIG scandel our leaders could smell the blood in the air and were afraid of being fucked by the poor people.

This country is about to be divded into 2 segments, the haves and the have nots. If I was a have, I'd be scared. For every 1 have there are at least 10 have nots. That sounds like a big ole ass whipping in the making.


New Member
why is our whole party line "fuck poor people"? you need to lay off the crack pipe.
our party line is "help those who help themselves" why the fuck would you waste time trying to help someone that doesnt even want to be helped. it's pointless. they don't want to try to even better themselves, yet they want to force people to pay for them to live? pointless.

How do you know they don't want some help? Who made you the decider on who needs or wants help? This is typical right wing bullshit. I'll guarantee you that many people need and want help, now go load your crack pipe and have a wonderful day.