4th week of flowering pics! Plus slight problem...


Active Member
My first time doing Deep Water Culture and I'm loving it! Got a little issue. Does anyone know what the leaf curling up thing is??? Deficiancy of something or too much of something? Also I have a pic of my 5th generation clones. :-P tell me what you think! bongsmilie



Active Member
Cheers bro! Hey does anyone put molasses in their buckets? I used to use it in coco but wasn't sure about dwc...


Well-Known Member
Cheers bro! Hey does anyone put molasses in their buckets? I used to use it in coco but wasn't sure about dwc...
i put like a 1/4 shot glass in mine last change with fox farms nutes and great white, didnt kill my girls and they seem to be just dandy


Well-Known Member
My first time doing Deep Water Culture and I'm loving it! Got a little issue. Does anyone know what the leaf curling up thing is??? Deficiancy of something or too much of something? Also I have a pic of my 5th generation clones. :razz: tell me what you think! bongsmilie
i put like a 1/4 shot glass in mine last change with fox farms
nutes and great white, didnt kill my girls and they seem to be just dandy
brer rabbit non sulphure molasses that is, contains cal and mag, i think
First dont add cal mag or any other nute you will keep killing your plants. You have Nute burn flush your plant add nuts again at 3/4strenght. Dont believe me ok then add more nutes :)

Why are you adding molasses into your rez?? i know this has been covered at least 40,000 times on here, 2ce my me and a couple other members just today. but people still don't wanna do any research.
Putting molasses in your rez is retarded and that's putting it nicely. All your doing is introducing food for pathogens in your root zone and more then likely will have some nice pythium here very soon, Especially with the warm weather we've been having.
Only reason to ever add molasses is into soil plants and its not to feed the root or plant its to feed the microbes in the soil. So then later the plant breaks it down into less complex enzymes and can thrive.
PLANTS CANNOT EAT COMPLEX CARBS. Such as molasses in hydroponics ;)


Active Member
Your right suTraGrow... what was i thinking? I feel like a retard now lol i actucally changed my nutes today and made it EC of 1.6 instead of 1.8 which i had... should i go a bit lower? Thanks for the reply btw.


Well-Known Member
1.6 EC is about 800ppm assuming your using a hannah ppm meter.
Not horrible but if you've been seeing burn with 1.8 progressing id back down to 1.2ec maybe 1.3ec. See how she does.
Its np that's what were here for ;)


Active Member
i have had this, at about 3-4th week of flower, looks like mg def with interveinal chlorosis, and leaves curl up, but is difficult to cure, rather than start adding cal mag or mag sulphate (epsom salt), which can end up causeing a worse nutrient imbalance, because the deficiency may be du to PH or another lock out problem, i change the entire nutes to fresh stuff, this was the best solution ive used for this problem.


Active Member
i have had this, at about 3-4th week of flower, looks like mg def with interveinal chlorosis, and leaves curl up, but is difficult to cure, rather than start adding cal mag or mag sulphate (epsom salt), which can end up causeing a worse nutrient imbalance, because the deficiency may be du to PH or another lock out problem, i change the entire nutes to fresh stuff, this was the best solution ive used for this problem.
what EC level you grow at?


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
For fucks sake... who do i believe???????????
lol and to top it off I'm going to throw in my 2 cents: It's a zinc defiency! That or nute burn. It's hard to tell between the two for me. Flush and add a small amount of zinc through whatever nute you feel fit.


Well-Known Member
Hey man. I would go with Sutragrow. This looks to me like they are just burning up rather than a defiency. I would cut back on the nutes. And do a straight flush. Run her on straight water for a few days. Or keep ppm real low like 200 to 400. See if you see any improvements. I would also triple check your ph. That is normally a really easy mistake to make. GOOD LUCK. STAY HIGH!!