ImissATARI's first grow ALL CFL


Well-Known Member
Hey guys! I have been lurking a lot, reading alot, and learning A LOT from you guys. I finally have decided to start my grow and keep a journal.

Please bear with me as more technical detail will be added as I get a ph meter and what nots.

Right now my two babies are in a small (about 3 feet wide, 1 1/2 foot deep and about 2 1/2 foot tall. They are only bagseed. I had two bags of seeds, one was from the good stuff, the other was just regular. Being under the influence and needing a bag, I put the seeds together (as stupid as that was).

I am using this diy light reflector for now at least until i put mylar in the dresser:
Thanks IcurbU for putting that up there, and please give him rep if it helps you!

On to my grow, I planted germ'd seeds just abot a week ago so we will say it is day 7 for both of them. I currently have them under 2 - 26 watt cfls (daylight) and will doubling that within the week. I will also be transplanting to larger pots in probably about a week as well. Will keep them on 18/6 till flower.

I have a worm farm so it was just easy for me to plant the seedlings with the castings but in hindsight i probably should of mixed it with some potting soil as well. Since today is pay day I will be purchasing some fox farm soil if I do not go to wally world this week.

Feel free to comment and offer advice wheather it is taken or not, either way i appreciate your interest and your ideas!

Pic one: dresser pre-modifications
pic # 2 : Big Girl (spongebob likes her!)
pic #3 : Lil Girl



Well-Known Member
nice looking light reflector. i will deffinately be pulling up a chair to this one seeing as we both are starting our grows at the same time. right now ive got a seedling and a clone im starting under 7-23 watt CFL's. 4-6500k, 3-2700k. Im trying to follow the book "Buds For Less". :-?Using MG Time Release Fertilizer Soil, :roll:Aquarium Pharmacuticles pH Test(low-spectrum 6.0-7.6 not really recommended). I just transplanted into larger containers and im not gonna check them for the weekend, let'em do they own thing for a while. Ill put some pics up to compare grows later on.bongsmilie

P.S.- I LOL-ed so hard at the SpongeBob Pic, funny shit!!!!


Well-Known Member
nice looking light reflector. i will deffinately be pulling up a chair to this one seeing as we both are starting our grows at the same time. right now ive got a seedling and a clone im starting under 7-23 watt CFL's. 4-6500k, 3-2700k. Im trying to follow the book "Buds For Less". :-?Using MG Time Release Fertilizer Soil, :roll:Aquarium Pharmacuticles pH Test(low-spectrum 6.0-7.6 not really recommended). I just transplanted into larger containers and im not gonna check them for the weekend, let'em do they own thing for a while. Ill put some pics up to compare grows later on.bongsmilie

P.S.- I LOL-ed so hard at the SpongeBob Pic, funny shit!!!!
sounds good man! It always helps having someone in a close stage....


Well-Known Member
i also posted in you thread about the Y sockets, i hope my comment helps. BTW I know you trying go cheap as possible, i did too. But some thing are worth the money and will pay for themselves in the long run. Also, i stole most of mine, IM NOT PROUD OF IT, but im just so sick of ditchweed and shitty regs


Well-Known Member
i like how it looks like spongebob's holding your plants pot.. :D
i will also be checking out your grow, as you are mine..

+REP for the good start :)


Well-Known Member
i like how it looks like spongebob's holding your plants pot.. :D
i will also be checking out your grow, as you are mine..

+REP for the good start :)
I first took the picture and realized i was taking it with the placemat there so decided to roll with it


Well-Known Member
lmao!!! it's trippy as hell..
look at how spongebob holds it..
then notice patrick with his hands touching the cup..
it looks as if patrick's painting the cup..
with the drips coming from where patricks hands are.. lol


Well-Known Member
lmao!!! it's trippy as hell..
look at how spongebob holds it..
then notice patrick with his hands touching the cup..
it looks as if patrick's painting the cup..
with the drips coming from where patricks hands are.. lol
haahha i didn't notice patrick lookin like that ahaha

kids are great, my daughter loooooooves spongbob, shes got spongbob everything.


Well-Known Member
lol, i got you.. she's looking pretty good though..
just like you said, we're pretty close to grows..
i think, you're about a week & a half ahead or so..

good luck with the grow & keep us posted with pics..
they'll get used to the paparazzi scene, sooner or later ;)


Well-Known Member
ill just keep postin pics when shes not around........

they will be about two weeks on friday i believe. From there i will get some better potting soil and put them in bigger pots.


Well-Known Member
lmao!! sorry about that..
i thought you were joking about the 'girls'
i figured you were talking about the plants..
my fault.. about the paparazzi thing..
i misunderstood you on that..

yeah, my seedlings on day 4 right now..
i'll be updating once it is lights on for her..
i can't wait to see what your girls look like now :D


Active Member
Well mine are just a few days older then yours and I have already planted them in 4 gallon buckets the other day and just got a 4 foot T8 fluorescent fixture for now. I will get some cfl for side lighting or get another T8 fixture for side lighting im not to sure yet on which I will get but hopefully it will work out.


Well-Known Member
lol i guess i was confused too lol.

my fiance doesnt want me postin pics, my "babies" dont mind at all.

The first nodes showing 3 leaves are starting to spread just a bit. In comparision i think i have to totally different strains so it will be interesting to see: Seems one is indica dominant while the other may be savita but it is much to early to fully tell.

My ole lady got some real nice bud the other day, not high quality high priced stuff but the best regular weed we have got in a long time so I started germing 4 seeds the other day.

I think I am going to keep my eyes open for a 4-5 foot tall dresser or armore (or how ever you spell it) to set up for flowering and use my current dresser as a veg and work on a perpetual grow, we'll see. For right now without the flowering dresser I will just plan on LST'in.

Jon, you have a grow journal right? Shoot the link on here - I have so many damn subscriptions it takes me a good hour to read through them.


Well-Known Member
Day 12:

The ole lady is gone so its time to snap some pics:

"Big Girl" really layed out that first set of leaves real long and the 2nd node is starting to spread the 3 leaves a bit.

"Lil Girl" Is growing a bit taller and not as wide, though the 2nd node is starting to show its 3 leaves just a bit.

Both have a real green smell, man I wish this stuff was legal and i could just have em growing around the house!

Sorry about the quality: the camera just won't focus on these things....


Mr. Pacific

Well-Known Member
Did you switch to FoxFarm soil yet?

Switching from regular soil to the mix I'm using made growth increase a lot, so I'm sure if you switched to FoxFarm you'd see much faster results.


Well-Known Member
looks good man..
although, their leaves look a little too droopy?
have you checked into that? or what..
& it looks like you took a picture of them on sand? lol
first spongebob now the sand.. what a photographer ;)

they look good man..
how is the watering? temps & all that good stuff?

i'm sort of having a heat issue..
about to update in a minute from earlier today..
can't take pictures now because my baby is sleeping.. lol

keep it up man..
best wishes to you & your plants :D


Well-Known Member
Did you switch to FoxFarm soil yet?

Switching from regular soil to the mix I'm using made growth increase a lot, so I'm sure if you switched to FoxFarm you'd see much faster results.
No i have not yet - I really need to! I am actually doing a side job this weekend and am going to use the money to buy a few things.

I figured the closest dealer is 45 min away - I wonder If i should just buy online?


Well-Known Member
looks good man..
although, their leaves look a little too droopy?
have you checked into that? or what..
They do look droopy too. I am afraid of overwatering but am not sure how good these castings hold the water or if its getting enough or what. There seems to be a red tint to the middle of the leaves so I am pretty sure there is some sort of nute problem, will most likely be fixed with better soil.

& it looks like you took a picture of them on sand? lol
first spongebob now the sand.. what a photographer ;)
My grow room is actually in my basement and the place I am growing it has a section of dirt. The dresser I am growing it in has no bottom so I'm thinking if needed I can alway dig a foot down to set the plants lower and give it more growing room.

they look good man..
how is the watering? temps & all that good stuff?
Watering is usually every 3 days. You think I should try every 2 and see if those leaves perk up?

Temps seem to be a solid 80, I have been meaning to grab my turtle tank thermometer but damn, its cold out in the shed! Also i have to dig through a few things first.

i'm sort of having a heat issue..
about to update in a minute from earlier today..
can't take pictures now because my baby is sleeping.. lol
I read about your heat issue, good luck with that.

keep it up man..
best wishes to you & your plants :D
thanks bro, same to you