2nd week in VEGGG!!! PICS


Well-Known Member
The plant in the black pot is exactly 2 weeks old. the other one is 4 days younger i have 1 26W CFL on each plant it is 6500K. when shoud i add more light? any help is good. please give me some advice.


Well-Known Member
Looks ok...but they should be bigger for 2 weeks old.

BTW...you're only in week 2 of seedling stage. Your veg stage hasn't begun yet.


Well-Known Member
You should add more light now, 26w cfl arent strong enough, Invest in a 150w-200w envirolite (blue spectrum) these are good for vegative growth. cheap as well, about £20- these dont get hot so you can place them about 3-4cm above the plants without burning them. the also give 100% PAR so the plants get all the light, with hps or sodium a lot of light can be wasted. What strain are you growing? looks like an indica with its broad leaves. Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
You should add more light now, 26w cfl arent strong enough, Invest in a 150w-200w envirolite (blue spectrum) these are good for vegative growth. cheap as well, about £20- these dont get hot so you can place them about 3-4cm above the plants without burning them. the also give 100% PAR so the plants get all the light, with hps or sodium a lot of light can be wasted. What strain are you growing? looks like an indica with its broad leaves. Hope this helps

Good advice.

But better would be to get flouro setup's...they are much better then cfl's, and are proven to give you better bud anyways when using the right combo of light spectrum. I did it this grow and I am very happy with my results.


Well-Known Member
ok well im only using CFLs im not buyin anythig else i have more cfls how many bulbs should i use fo each plant.


Well-Known Member
ok so how much longer then will i be in the seedling stage? And when do i use as many lights as i can?


Well-Known Member
I will post pics later tonight, the babies are now 2 weeks and 1 day old they have mayb doubled in size since those last pics. a couple problems how much light is enough. and there are little bugs black bugs with clear wings very small. what could they be Good or bad??


Well-Known Member
Fungus Gnats...get rid of them FAST. There larva will eat your root system.

You should have at least 100W per plant...so if your using 23W cfl's you'll need about 5 of them...but for best results i'd use 7 per plant, don't forget about when they get bigger you'll need to rig something so that the lower leaves get light.


Well-Known Member
ok i read that i can put pieces of raw potato on the soil to kill or trap the larva. Is this correct?


Well-Known Member
To some extent yes, but you'll need to get to a local garden place and get some gnats killer stuff...ther's a few different ways of doing it.

In the future to help keep pesky bugs and disese away...use a capful of peroxide...3% to be exact, the hydrogen in it helps to keep soil airated, and the peroxide kills stuff. Since I started with peroxide, all my plants, even my house plants have never had a problem with gnats or disese.


Well-Known Member
To some extent yes, but you'll need to get to a local garden place and get some gnats killer stuff...ther's a few different ways of doing it.

In the future to help keep pesky bugs and disese away...use a capful of peroxide...3% to be exact, the hydrogen in it helps to keep soil airated, and the peroxide kills stuff. Since I started with peroxide, all my plants, even my house plants have never had a problem with gnats or disese.
What is 3% i dont understand


Well-Known Member
Hey heres an update the big one is now two weeks and 2 days old and the smaller on is 1 week and 5 days its four days younger than the big one. I got potatoes on the soil to catch those gnats. How do they look any suggestions? More Light?