

Active Member
Is there any data available here or anyplace else that explains how breeders crossbreed the different strains? Tried different searches but was not successful. I really don't know what to search for. Just think it sounds interesting and would like to read on how it's done.


Well-Known Member
You take the pollen off of the male plant that you will be crossing with a diff breed female.
You add the pollen to the female you want to cross with.
You grow the female.
You grow the seeds the feamle gives and there is your crossed breed.


Uses the Rollitup profile
Well, that first cross is an F1 cross, and it will be completely variable. So breeding is quite a bit more complicated than making 1 cross. I suggest you read Marijuana Botany, by R.C. Clarke. Here's the text:

Marijuana Botany

HTH :mrgreen: