wet trim vs dry trim

  1. S

    Best way to trim dry and cure?

    I’ve got some pretty fire bud growing but I want this crop to have that dispensary look to it.
  2. bigskymtnguy

    Any tips on using GreenBroz dry trimmer?

    I made the leap and purchased a GreenBroz dry trimmer and sold my TrimPro Automatik after speaking with numerous growers who swear by the dry trim method. Now I'm looking to make the most of my purchase by asking RIU participants to chime in on how to maximize the GreenBroz trimmer. I DO NOT...
  3. CapitainSpaulding

    Wet trim vs Dry trim

    I always trimmed wet. But this time, I have more then I normally do(12). I've been researching this on the net. And it's a split 50/50. Both sides think there way is better. I believe to each there own. I just wondering if anyone has done it both ways...and what do they think? And what should...