us seed bank

  1. StatesidePromos

    USA Seed Bank

    Authorized retailer of Fastbuds, Seedsman, Wicked Pissah, Sweet Seeds and many others!!! Best freebies anywhere and based in the states (we're Stateside!) so we're able to bring you your favorite strains from overseas and Stateside. Adding new products EVERY day! Use promo code 10free for 10%...
  2. graying.geek

    Cannabis 420 Store?

    Any info on these folks? Prices are stupid low, but looks like they do their own breeding and shipping is a flat $25, and a $175 minuimum order. The unknown seed source, seed selection, and low price is reminiscent of the Aurora Winds Botanical scammers. Be nice...
  3. BeanDipp

    Anyone Experienced with Cannabis Family Seeds?!/Pick-and-Mix-2-packs/c/20649128 This is the only bank that i have managed to find from forums that is from USA and that sells packs of 2 seeds for cheap. But i haven't really heard much about their authenticity or any reviews just feedback from people on...
  4. mr.Tank

    Seeds Here Now

    I was told that this would be a good place to start a thread for SHN. Seeds Here Now is a US-Based Seed Bank that stocks some great gear. The only other thread is about a single experience and I believe that Seeds Here Now deserves a Review Thread for everyone to come to and discuss their...