
  1. Komodoghost

    DWC made easy

    We've all heard of hydroponics and we all know that a lot of people that grow use some form of hydropoinic growing method. Then we get curious about it and if it's at all hard to do. Well rest asured it's a lot easier then it sounds or how others make it sound... So before we get into my...
  2. D

    The Rosin Press: Let's make rosin! Tutorial on how to make proper dabable cannabis oil

    I made a nice rosin tutorial. Please subscribe to my Youtube channel. Thank you and happy growing.
  3. SimonMoon

    Holistic B.S.B.P. Memorial Grow Series - There Shall Be LED!

    Holistic B.S.B.P. Memorial Grow Series - There Shall Be LED! Hi there Champ! Nice of you to drop by in my Holistic B.S.B.P. Memorial Grow Series - There Hall Be LED - Thread! The Introduction This is a series of threads that revolve around a very sophisticated small scale automated grow...
  4. SimonMoon

    Holistic B.S.B.P. Memorial Grow Series - Mission HQ!

    Holistic B.S.B.P. Memorial Grow Series - Mission HQ Introduction Hello and welcome to the Holistic B.S.B.P. Memorial Grow Series Mission Headquarters! All hail Discordia! This is a series of threads in different sections of the forums, all with their own topics relating to my new grow set-up...
  5. TheCannabisAnalyst

    Torch Safety (Video)

    Greetings! Torch safety is very important when you're medicating. Check out this video for some info & tips on using your torch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VNbwTvtFRM The Cannabis Analyst wants to ensure that patients and responsible adults have access to accurate, detailed information...