sex male female

  1. J

    Male or female

    Is it still too early to tell if this plant is male or female? It’a pushing 4 weeks old. I switch to 12/12 at 3 weeks(Thursday) as I’m growing in a 2x2x4 grow tent and was told this strain can get really tall and was advised to flip to 12/12 at 3 weeks. Also this is my first grow so all tips...
  2. D

    Identifying male or female

    Hey there, I’ve been growing this plant indoors for roughly 5 weeks now and I’m struggling to decide if it’s fem or male, any help would be much appreciated! I’ve read a bunch online but I’m struggling to decisively say. Thanks in advance if you can help!
  3. B

    Is my plant male or female?

    I have 4 plants outside and on 1 where I topped it it produce little male pollen sacks it looks like does this mean they are forsure male plants
  4. Trebla

    Male or female?

    Just got a magnifying glass to see my plants more thoroughly. Mainly to look at flowers to make sure it’s ready for harvest. I’ve was testing it out in a plant that I think is male. Take a look at the photos below... am I right?? It’s a boy???
  5. W

    Male or female

    The pic below is from my second plant, it is 8 days into flower. I need help determining the sex. My other plant has sprouted the tell tale white hairs but this one only has some very point pre flowers and I really hope its not male. Any help is appreciated.
  6. S

    Is it a Hermie???

    Hey y'all, I've been on Rollitup for about six months now but never posted anything before today. I'm in the process of my first grow, about two weeks into flower with some bag seed I got from a friend. I've got two plants growing in my closet, the first is definitely female, but I'm thinking my...
  7. sbcomposer

    Gender - Any Guesses?

    Ive started a grow from seeds and am anxious to remove the males. These are just about 3 weeks now so may be too soon to tell?
  8. Krazykris911

    Female or male?????

    I have these 4 plants and they are 36 days old and i think they are starting to show sex but i cant tell if they are female or male can you guys please help and tell me what you think please on 2 out of 4 showing sex but cant tell.
  9. A

    Can someone help tell the sex of this plant ?

    I think it's a male but am unsure can anyone help am still learning to garden