
  1. Hufnuf

    Mushroom bag hole

    Hello guys for information I bought a bag of birdfood and I poured boiling water in it. I thought that with a hair heater (don't know the name in English) the opening I made would just melt close. Done that but when I turned the bag upside down there was water dripping out. I just took ductape...
  2. S

    POLL: Have you had a mystical experience on 3.5 grams of Psilocybin?

    For this poll, 'Mystical Experience' is defined as: "a direct experience of transcendent reality or God, especially by means of contemplation and asceticism instead of rational thought" And also as having these qualities: Profound sense of unity or contact with the Reality, Conscious awareness...
  3. GimmieRoach

    i need advice

    so ive taken a break off smoking cannabis, smoking again in 3-4 days, me and my mate are going to be drinking and taking Psilocybin mushrooms aswell, so the question is is it a good idea to take 1-2 mushrooms and have a few kingsize spliffs while drinking aswell?? before anyone says, i know...
  4. GroDank101

    5 quart jars colonizing

    I knocked up (5) quart jars of whole oats with colonized agar wedges and this is how they look after 6 days of growth.