
  1. Weouthere

    Did I FIM or TOP?!

    Hey guys! Having a great time on my first grow, mostly thanks to you guys! I’m growing either Wedding Cake or White Buffalo (don’t know which, it was in weed from the dispensary) 2x2x4 grow box painted white inside 1 gal pot, ffof/perlite mix 60:40 18/6 under a 32w 3 spectrum Feit LED and a...
  2. Jimmy Verde

    Best pots to grow in?

    Howdy everyone ! Was wondering what everyones opinions were on growing in pots and which material and sizes they used. . I myself use 20 gal fabrics and 20 gal plastics and have seen different BUT both great results All welcome
  3. B

    What is best for Guerilla growing?

    Hello guys, I have a question. Recently I've been thinking about which is best and I couldn't decide, so I decided to ask you guys. - Is it better to use Black Plastic Grow Bags or plant directly in holes with my own pre-mixed soil? - Isn't it better to grow with Black Plastic Grow Bags...
  4. twalte

    How important is Up-Potting (Indoor Soil Growers)

    I now have a few grows under my belt, and I'm learning from my mistakes and trying to improve. One area where I may be deficient is my up-potting technique. I currently start my seeds in 16oz plastic cups (with good success) and then transplant them directly into my 5 gallon airpots...
  5. Uberknot

    Has anyone used Baccto Pro Planting Mix?

    I am using a Baccto Pro Mix I found with about 50% Coco/Perlite mixed in. Has anyone tried anything like this before? Our most popular blend, this pre-moistened planting mix is formulated to enhance the growth of bedding and potted crops in flats, pots, and hanging baskets. Mix...