potting up

  1. B

    Germinating in final pot size

    Has anyone ever started their seed(s) in their final pot size but had different sized biodegradable cups in the center to act as potting up? Would this not work the same? since roots will first get balled up in the first (peat,coco) cup before breaking down to move to the next pocket?
  2. Weouthere

    Should I Transplant?

    Hey guys!! This is my first grow and I need some advice I have this small plant, about a 16” tall. Growing outdoors from clone in early August. Started flowering (showing pistils) on the 23rd. Ffof in 1 or 2 gal pot Water with tap water although it’s been raining so I haven’t needed to recently...
  3. Weouthere

    When To Pot Up

    I have a little seedling that’s now been alive for a week. Not sure if it’s Wedding Cake or White Buffalo or Green Crack. Got in in a bag from the dispensary and forgot which one. Doesn’t really matter to me :) Anyway the roots are all over the cup and curled up all over the bottom. I have some...
  4. twalte

    How important is Up-Potting (Indoor Soil Growers)

    I now have a few grows under my belt, and I'm learning from my mistakes and trying to improve. One area where I may be deficient is my up-potting technique. I currently start my seeds in 16oz plastic cups (with good success) and then transplant them directly into my 5 gallon airpots...
  5. DeMoNeye

    Potting on Clones?

    I've got 6 clones that I took about 8 days ago growing in Root Riot cubes that are now fully rooted. Clones are about 3" high with the clean stem at the bottom about 2". When I pot them on can I sink the Root Riot cube quite deeply to reduce the overall height of the clone?
  6. goose_chase

    Any Seedling Advice For New Grower?

    Hi Everyone, I just recently started my first grow and there's a couple of questions I'd like to ask. I'm growing Critical Skunk from Mr nice, starting in root riot cubes then going to move into Plant Magic Soil Supreme. I put the seeds in water for 24 hours then planted them into the root riot...
  7. pioneer87richard

    Repotting out of air pots

    Has anyone repotted from an air pot to a bigger air pot. Never tried it b4 but I'm thinking to give it a try.