pinworm gave me hepatitis

  1. P


    So, I was working on a shitty video of my latest indoor run for you guys, but didn't wind up finishing more than the intro. I need your feedback as to whether or not I should finish it. Would you watch and leave retarded comments if I did? Please vote in my RIU poll. Thanks in advance.
  2. P

    Trump admits Russia was behind election hacking

    “As far as hacking, I think it was Russia, but I also think we've been hacked by other countries, other people,” Trump said. Wait wait wait wait.....wait....wait. Was it rigged or not? I can't keep up with all his...
  3. Downtowntillman

    5 things you should know that won't help you at all!

    In the movie Fight Club a Starbucks cup appears in every scene. Jeopardy contestants stand on platforms to appear the same height. The first item sold on eBay was a broken laser pointer. There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar. When ATMs were first put out, they were considered a...
  4. Pinworm

    What kind of poster are you?

    Are you more of a quality type - that thinks about everything you say, and keeps it straight forward and to the point? Or are you more of a quantity type - like me, where you drink 20 something cheap beers, log in, foam at the mouth for a couple hours, talk a bunch of shit, pass out, log back in...