moxie seeds

  1. Cwrighty9420

    The next batch :)

    Ok so this time we have 5 x grape gas x purple number 1 seeds from my buddy 1 x blue coral from moxie seeds 4 x double stuffed sorbet (Chloe clones) 2 x blue og sherbert clones from a different buddy and I’m also reverting the other double stuffed (carame pheno) All in plageon light mix soil...
  2. George Seeds

    Seven New Breeders Have Now Been Added to The Vault!

    At The Vault, we are extremely proud of the fact that our customers get to choose from a humongous line-up of the world’s top breeders: So when we hook up with some new breeders whose produce makes the cut, we are always excited to share the news... Check out the new additions today! That’s...
  3. Zack Stewart

    First real grow and journal - 2x2 perpetual grow by Zzackattack

    Hey, everyone! I come for your wisdom and knowledge, and ultimately to become a better gardener. Let me know what you think! Feel free to rip me a new one in the comments if you think i'm doing something no bueno. Cheers, - Zzackattack