
  1. P

    Can you guess the micron on this thing?

    Hi! I use the 220/73/25 micron kit and I have a lot of plant material in my hash I found this thing. Can you guess the micron?
  2. I

    water extract micron size?

    so correct me if I'm wrong but the way I understand it water extracts are labeled by the micron size they fall on to not what they fall through (for instance if you use 120u-90u-45u when you pull the 120u what is left on the 90u would be called 90u hash). wouldn't it be better to rate by saying...
  3. SickSickWorld

    A little Rosin advice

    Alright guys. First time posting this far down in the forums, I normally hang out near the grow sections. I'll be making rosin from dried Hubbabubbasmelloscope for the first time this weekend (as well as some iso-oil and thc e-liquid, we'll see how lazy I get). I've seen a few people selling 25...