led grow light spectrum

  1. KorayChiefEngineer

    What light recipe is the best plant LED grow light spectrum?

    The spectral advantages of global brand LED plant lights Modern agriculture is increasingly using LED plant lights, whether it is outdoor planting supplement light or LED plant lights for indoor planting, the spectrum of plant lights is very important. A good plant light spectrum can increase...
  2. Ethan010

    Looking For The New LED Grow Light

    Hello, I am a new poster here, but long time lurker:hug:. Seriously i love planting so i need a very very good LED grow light. More importantly, if i have a good one LED grow light, like Patented COB+Reflector design, create,the most similar light to the sunlight. I firmly believe the planting...
  3. H

    Diy led grow light configuration/layout

    Hello all. I've done lots of research on led grow light configuration and still I'm fairly confused. I'm custom building my own grow light, for a small grow tent. Attached is my led layout/configuration and led's I'm going to use. Panel divided into two sections, one for veg and other for...