leave spot

  1. Steveo123

    Leaf spot

    Hi fellow growers, I wanted to get other points of view on a leaf spotting issue which is affecting my out door grow, now for the second year (see photos) I think this is caused by Septoria fungi and affects leaves in humid regions. I am around the 1 month from the start of flower so have a...
  2. websurfer

    Soilless flower outdoor problems

    Hello, Outdoor grow Coco soil less Feed GH flora series with cal-Mag everyday 4 gallons of tap water per pot about 20/30% run off Cal-mag 1/2 tsp per gallon Flora micro 1/2 tsp per gallon Flora bloom 1/2 tsp per gallon Flora grow 1/4 tsp per gallon Feed at 5.8 PH Little back ground my plants...

    Help me please I'm lost!

    I started this grow in October! I have a plant that boggles my mind as to what is definitely wrong. I didn't have my grow tent when this plant started its grow it was my healthiest plant until the symptoms began. Faint Rust colored spots that are all over leaves. Then the tips rust and this...
  4. S

    White spots on leaves

    Hey guys, my friend is growing a couple of plants and is concerned about the plants. They have tiny white dots on all of the leaves and little black dots on the back side of the leaves. Help identifying what it is would be appreciated,
  5. rastaaa

    Leaves starting too look bad

    Hello peeps.. Started a grow with a slow start couse of Bad light but now they Are under led light, maby i need to repot? always use right ph and i tought i had bugs but checked all over with microscope and didnt see Any thing, i worry beacause of the White Marks / stretch Marks on the New...
  6. M

    Yellow/brown dots on leaves.

    First of, I'm growing in a hydroponic setup with 400 W light and the plants get around 40'000 lux, the pH level stays 6 and ppm is around 900, water temperature is 25 °C. For the past 3 days my two Speedy Chile plants have been developing these brownish/yellowy dots on the tips on the leaves and...
  7. R

    Third week in veg spot on leaves and red stems

    Growing in dwc single buckets using four gallon of reverse osmosis water and a ounce of a&b sensi grow ph perfect ppm is at 720 the ph star at 5.8 in the first day and up to 6.2 or 6.4 in 24 hours temperature of the water is at 68 to 70 the funny part is I have ten Larry og only four have this...