
  1. Newbudontheblock

    Edible / thc oil testing / labs?

    Does anyone know where I can send a homemade edible (brownie) or a small batch of infused oil to a lab for potency testing ? I was going to buy the “tCheck 2” for at home testing but was made aware it’s VERY inaccurate. I live in New York City and figure I will have to mail the sample I guess...
  2. Thebanktella

    LAB question

    hey guys , so I am aware lab helps to innoculate soil and assists with the uptake of nutrients , question I have is can i use lab in the soil while it’s being “cooked” ? And also how many times a run is sufficient for foliar and soil drentch ? I’ve read once during veg and once during flower...
  3. M

    Lab testing from out of state?

    Anyone have any thoughts about the best way to get product lab tested while living in a cannabis-unfriendly area of the US? I can live without it normally but I'm growing some high CBD plants and it's important to me to know as much as possible about the THC: CBD ratio to find the gal most worth...
  4. Thebanktella

    LAB and AAct

    instead of using water for my aact , do u think it would be possible to use the serum of the lab instead to make it a super potent watering / feed ? Like 1:10 parts serum and water , e.g. 1:10 part water and serum / molasses / castings and then brew? Any thorts ? Or should I just water separate...
  5. Thebanktella

    Aact and LAB during flower

    Ok so I've made a proper LAB mix with the carb wash first they layers are super distinct in the milk after one day , gonna leave another day till the liquid is more a slight yellow , what I wana know is how do administer it ? Do I foliar feed with it ? Or do I do a light soil moisten with it...
  6. Thebanktella

    Lab storage

    Ok so I'm gonna make some LAB foliar spray , just wana know once I've mixed about 50ml to 1litre of water how would I store it ? I've been reading you have to add molasses to the mix to keep it "alive" how much do I need? And won't that effect the spray ?
  7. A


    hey guys its my first season trying KNF inputs so i figured might as well document it.