
  1. H

    Newbie here, Any industry friends around?

    Hello, Im new at growing my own stuff in a tent at home. Im very passionate about the culture, the people, and the plant. I really want to get into the industry but not really sure where to start. I live in southern california and it seem like my only path at the moment is working at a dispo or...
  2. Crazy Tree

    Hey everybody!

    Check out our first podcast! all about the Michigan Marijuana industry. let us know what you would like to see covered on the podcast in the future.
  3. Lambo Kush

    New Member/Grower

    I came to rollitup because I was looking for a place to gain more knowledge on the topic of cannabis horticulture and to also gain connections in the cannabis industry. IMO the legal marijuana business is blooming and I want to get in on it. I'll use this website as a tool to gain those...