
  1. john wishmyer

    losing my mind hay smell,no smell ect

    can someone please give me a viable reason why my buds keep losing their smell im gonna include all my drying info and maybe you could posibbly point out in what part of my process is causing my buds to not have that aroma. i dry in a small grow tent with about 60F with about a 55% humidity, i...
  2. bro54209

    Shriveled my bud

    Hey rollers I havea plant that went a day dehydrated before the final flush. I try to to give them a good 4~5 full days to dry the roots between the last 2 waterings and after the drought it lost its sappy juicy sticky stench. I also trimmed fan leaves shading buds and got crazy and trimmed...
  3. 2

    How to deal with the dreaded 'Hay / Fresh Cut Grass' smell. Created for Newbies...

    Originally Posted in 'Newbie Central', I moved it to here as I thought more appropriate. Note: There are countless threads all over the web about the ‘HAY / CUT GRASS SMELL’ when drying MARIJUANA. This one is designed specially for newbies who are probably having a melt down as they read...