
  1. Steveo123

    Leaf spot

    Hi fellow growers, I wanted to get other points of view on a leaf spotting issue which is affecting my out door grow, now for the second year (see photos) I think this is caused by Septoria fungi and affects leaves in humid regions. I am around the 1 month from the start of flower so have a...
  2. xIPhobiaIx

    Comparison of Bennie Products... see attached

    Hello, Just wanted to attach pictures of my file (hopefully you can see it) for comparisons of all the different bennie products out there and there cfu/spore counts. Now, take into mind that more strains are not always better and that Bacillus amyloliquefaciens or Trichoderma harzianum are...
  3. Jpwt92

    Safers 3 in 1

    is this product bud safe or should I steer clear away from buds when spraying?
  4. NeWcS

    What fungicide/pesticide YOU should use!!!!

    Here is a little list of resources I put together to better help people answer the question 'What should I use for my plants for pests and other Marijuana issues that's safe?'. I am not claiming any of this works, or is good for,you or any other claim, but it is state approved, so it's the...
  5. B

    Safer Brand Garden Fungicide on PM during late Flower phase

    Hello, I’m in my last couple weeks until harvest, and towards the bottom of my plant is showing signs of PM, I’m about a week to two weeks out from harvest. Will spraying Safer Brand Garden Fungicide affect the bud quality? It states good to spray up until harvest. But I’d like to know anyone...
  6. B

    Safer Brand Garden Fungicide on PM during late Flower phase

    Hello, I’m in my last couple weeks until harvest, and towards the bottom of my plant is showing signs of PM, I’m about a week to two weeks out from harvest. Will spraying Safer Brand Garden Fungicide affect the bud quality? It states good to spray up until harvest. But I’d like to know anyone...
  7. B

    Using Actinovate Lawn and Garden to threat PM

    1. How Often u can use Actinovate as drench and foliage spray specifically on cannabis.( i did read instructions but i feel cannabis could be different) 2. How long before harvest i should stop, and is it really safe to use on super late flower buds? 3.Should i do bigger doses then the ones...