
  1. Cannabis.Queen

    Hoop dancer; any hulahoopers out there?

    Fell I need love with hula hooping about a year ago; my shoulder and back injuries prevented me from working out as normal. Hula hooping I'm in the momment and I'm the moment of the song and the flow.. nothing else matters! It's basically kept me from being so depressed about having rotator...
  2. cannetix Inc

    Any downhill/freestyle skiers here?

    Wheres your favorite place to ride? Whistler-Blackcomb here!
  3. cannetix Inc

    Phytoestrogens & Cannabis: Debunking the Myth Of “Feminization” and Breast Cancer

    Phytoestrogens & Cannabis: Debunking the Myth Of “Feminization” and Breast Cancer (PART ONE) Cannetix Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor and this is not intended to be taken as medical advice (Obviously) :idea: The myth that phytoestrogens, particularly in regard to Cannabis, is...
  4. HumboldtFTW

    Does Anybody Else lift weights stoned?

    Normally, I'm on for this type of thing, but I often take a dab before getting under the barbell and I find that not only does it help me lift, but it keeps me interested in completing my workouts. Well, I guess it doesn't "help me lift", but it keeps me in the garage...
  5. Keighan

    Fitness plan guidelines and ideas.

    So this will be just a basic outline of workout plans and what I have learned from experience and ACE Personal training course. We will start with some definition, weather at the gym or designing a program you will hear and use two words more than any other. Sets and reps. What are these? Well...