
  1. Zinger59

    Canada's Ego Election

    Hypocrite: Justin Trudeau our blackface womanizer Prime Minister who chose surfing over attending Native Reconciliation ceremonies. It's no wonder he's the only PM to have stones thrown at him. A real piece of shit.
  2. ChiefRunningPhist

    Arab spring... ...Russia

    So been thinking about it for a min and was curious what others had to say about the Russian meddling in the 2016 US election, and the rise of nationalism across the globe. Why? ... Some questions: Did the western countries manipulate the middle east to install certain people of power? CIA and...
  3. hanimmal

    The Epoch Times: Chinese Jesus-Freaks Want Trump to Win to Bring About a Communist Armageddon.

    Why do real stories sound like cheap trashy conspiracy magazines anymore! I saw my first ad yesterday on Youtube with some high production video on their huge poster sized flow chart of how they are spinning the Mueller investigation as a witch hunt. I was curious, but seeing a blurb on it...
  4. abandonconflict

    Joe Sestak

    He's in the primary race for the DNC nomination to run for president in 2020. He got himself retired in the early 00's for suggesting (excuse me for oversimplifying) that the Navy needed better ships, not more ships. He's clearly a proponent of soft-power projection who believes that America was...
  5. G

    Presidential Race for 2020

    As some of you may know, Presidential campaigns are about to kick off very soon. With Trump's approval rating amongst voting Republicans hovering around 90%, I do not expect a GOP challenger. There are many democratic contenders for, but only two so far have declared a run for President. John...
  6. S

    Prop 205 and Copperstate Farms

    Hey Everyone! I'm new to this site but after listening to recent politics in Arizona, I feel like I had to write about Prop 205 and some of the weird things going on in Arizona. Would love to hear thoughts! Proposition 205 is supposed to let recreational cannabis be approved for people 21...
  7. Uberknot

    Lets talk Electoral College Votes.

    Hey there! Let us talk about the Electoral College and where the race is at right now. Just looking at battle ground states. Arizona (11) Florida (29) Georgia (16) Iowa (6) Michigan (16) Missouri (10) Nevada (6) North Carolina (15) Ohio (18 ) Wisconsin (10) Maine CD2 (1)...
  8. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Won the Primary

    I won my primary 60/40 and will be facing a former Florida Cop backed with DeVos money in the general election for the 97th House District. This is the opportunity for the community to rally around an advocate and solid candidate or hand the election to a Republican that represents everything...