dry trim

  1. calvin.m16

    My Dry Cure Harvest Method

    Drying & Curing for Quality Harvest plants when ready Chop branches into a length you can comfortably pluck the fan leaves off Pluck all non-sugar leaves off the branches then hang on clothes hanger Hang clothes hanger in a dark room/tent/closet at 60-65 °F | 60-65% RH Have a ventilation fan or...
  2. P

    how long does it take for trim to dry?

    Hi! I just wet trimmed my small auto plant and Im wondering how long does it take to dry? Its 50% humidty and 73f in the box. Thx!
  3. ragieboyyy

    Dry Trim Suggestions

    I have 13 plants like 5ft round an easy 6-7ft tall.. We took most the fan leafs off, before cutting them down but. but my partner took them down as hole plants took them to his big shop he has an hung them as hole plants pretty much on string lines, but was wondering if anyone know of a fast...
  4. bigskymtnguy

    Any tips on using GreenBroz dry trimmer?

    I made the leap and purchased a GreenBroz dry trimmer and sold my TrimPro Automatik after speaking with numerous growers who swear by the dry trim method. Now I'm looking to make the most of my purchase by asking RIU participants to chime in on how to maximize the GreenBroz trimmer. I DO NOT...