diy aero cloner

  1. Dankrolledfreshed

    Aero/dwc 40 gallon custom tote build

    Hi rollitup !!! I have a 40 gallon tote build that I customed. Parts list 6. 1/2"x24" pvc was used to build one 40 gallon tote. 7. 90° Elbow 18.360 misters 1. Elbow tee 8. Tee. 1. 1/2"x1/2" male adapter or coupler The break down I used a pvc cutter 2. 9" 4. 8 1/2" 2. 7 1/2" 4. 6 1/4" 8...
  2. Colanoscopy

    Colas compact cloner (CX3) diy aero cloner

    So I've almost finished building my prototype aero cloner. Literally need to fit the sprayer nozzles when they arrive and fully watertight my unit. Unfortunately I didn't take pics as I went along. Mainly because I was scratching my head looking at bits of pipe and shit Will take pics in a...