
  1. O

    Harvest Time is guided by trichomes, determined by personal flare

    In some cases, though the trichomes could continue to produce more amber heads, sometimes the plant may signal its end of life and ripe-most state, in which case it is better off harvested in days time.
  2. BigMoistDaddy

    Trimming in flowering and bud site. Dos and donts discussion

    Wanted to start a discussion about trimming and removing bottom bud sites and leaves.
  3. W

    Why don’t people smoke traditionally rolled marijuana cigars

    I didn’t really know where to post this so here it is. Why don’t people toke on fat marijuana cigars? People say it’s a waste but when I roll them they burn for hours. They still get me pretty damn high. Why hasn’t that taken off and what’s the aversion to it.
  4. V

    perfect pot size

    hey yall Upgrading my grow space, growing under twelve 315 cmh for veg, and sixteen gavita 1700e for flower, growing in promix hp, running remo full line with recharge. my question lies with what do you think the most efficient pot size do you think would be the most efficient 5 gal 7 gal 10 gal...
  5. WintersBones

    1st Auto Grow journal.

    Hey RIU, just looking for some feedback and constructive criticism, feel free to comment. This is just my 3rd grow ever, 1st serious attempt. just a diy grow room in my basement with limited funds. so nothing too fancy here. I'm picking it up a couple of weeks into flower. Let me know how you...
  6. lozac123

    Can anyone recommend some good cannabis book

    Hi peeps, Just wondering if anyone could recommend any good books around the topic of cannabis? I really want to start a collection going, but there are so many books available. I have DJ shorts book, and that's excellent. I'd love a couple of books that cover breeding, but also I would love...
  7. persian.toker

    Sex is overrated!

    That's it, I just think sex is good but not as good as today's culture has us believe. Often times, everyday tasks such as eating, going to the bathroom, taking a shower, smoking ganja, participating in a good conversation or doing your duties well, can be as pleasurable, if not more. What do...
  8. Fatbard

    Discussion for Fatbard's Journal

    I am starting this thread to serve as a place for comments and/or criticisms of my journal entries. I will link the journal back to this thread. Thanks for any assistance or opinions that you offer!