
  1. bro54209

    Drug test friday or i can wait till jan 4

    Edit: My question is how long should i refrain from exercise before a drug test So i have the option to go Friday and likely take a piss (20 days sober) or wait til jan 4th >.< I have a test at home to decide to wait or go Friday but i gotta let my lawyer know this evening or tomorrow morning...
  2. C

    HELP: is 30 days enough time to detox naturally???

    Hello, I come searching for advice. I have a court ordered drug test that I must pass in order to avoid going to jail in Kansas for marijuana possession. I'm hoping someone will be able to help me decide what my best option is to getting a passing result. I've done a lot of research but...
  3. L

    Drug Test

    So I recently posted about how I have a drug test coming up but I found out some new info and wanted to repost my question. (I'm 5'6" and 268 pounds) So the last time I smoked was anywhere from the 14th-17th of Novemeber 2015 and I have a drug test scheduled for the 14th of this month...