dark cycle

  1. V

    Dark period before my second harvest?

    I'm struggling with what to do here with my second grow. My plants are ready to harvest basically, they have been flowering for 75 days. Should i do a dark period for 24-48 hours before harvest, does it really make major differences? My plants were last watered on Sunday so they'd probably have...
  2. James Eaves

    Rusty spots with brown border on leaves

    Does anyone recognize this leaf issue?
  3. H

    light leak two nights in a row, few plants very stressed

    Greetings, I have a small 2'x4' flower tent going with a 3 plant SCROG (first time grower, but I setup grow rooms proffessionally due to some other experience and qualifications, everything looks good so far. Except, I left the tent open two nights in a row and the light from my cloning station...
  4. Mass Medicinals

    light leak and seedlings

    Hi RIU, Is there a time when light leak is not a problem? We have seedlings in a room that is not light proofed. So during the 6 hour dark cycle there were definitely lights. The seeds are fem, and have been above soil for less than 3 days. They are going to be moved to a better room...
  5. C

    help with autoflower interrupted light cycle

    Hi there everyone, I have been doing two autoflowers, (ak47 and Anubis). They have been sprouted for 12 days, however, when I checked my analog timer (the ones with the pins all around them) i noticed that one pin (I think) has been pushed down during the dark period, meaning the lights have...
  6. S

    24 hour dark period before flowering?

    hey guys I'm switching to flowering and I was doing some research and I had found a couple threads about giving your plants a 24 hour dark period before switching to 12/12 lighting to help "speed up" the transition from veg to flower. I don't have much time to flower and Harvast so I'm trying to...
  7. T

    Do Green Lights Work

    I haven't researched this in a bit, but it seems more and more evident that if you provide only a green spectrum that it will not interrupt the dark cycle (induce production of florigen). I have more confidence since seeing a lot of green LED flashlights in grow shops. In fact, the main reason...