cfl help

  1. OGbobbyjohnsson


    so baught a hps lamp but i have to return it becuse the heat whas a big problem im growing in a smal area so now im not realy sure what to get im thinkin about 1 or 2 300w cfl what would you guys by need somting that is cheep and works good... Bless
  2. Do it for karma

    Do you even CFL bro?!!

    hey everyone, First forum post for me due to the fact that im a brand new member, so go easy on me incase im not doing this in a correct fashion. Anyway not only am i a new member but im also a brand new grower as well! untill recently i only had one plant to worry about so my t5...
  3. TigerSquad

    cfl vs this led?

    1650lumn. Cfl lights my grow are has a.c. but I know Led lights are were a lot of inside growers are using. But will this style bulb work as well, better, or at all. (750 lumn. Daylight/6500k led.) I know the cfl have more lumens but if I got the equivalent in led. Or are complete rubbish...