
  1. W

    Ec calculator

    Hi Spotted this, Click on the tiny link titled "English" for the non-moon language version. Tried it with GHE nutes and ended up with 0.5 ec solution, which was spot on. Does anyone have the other nutrients to try and see if it's accurate?
  2. MeGaKiLlErMaN

    COB Spectral Quality Thread

    If you have a request post the spectral waves and Ill crunch the numbers. So far Ive only ran the CXB 3590 3000K 90 CRI and the Luminous Generation 3 CXM-22 3000K 90 CRI as its been shown that 90 CRI produces good results (Thanks @Rahz ) I started here to see which of these would be the better...
  3. mrgreen2015

    Ultimate Growers BIBLE - PDF files with Pictures!

    Marijuana Grow Basics CLICK HERE Growers Guide CLICK HERE Ultimate Growers Bible CLICK HERE
  4. mrgreen2015

    Calculator for FAN, FILTER, CFM, CO2

    2 Calculators!!!! CO2 Calculator HERE -compliments of kskid- FAN FILTER & CFM Calculator HERE