best bud

  1. G

    Best Bud Shots Contest 2022 (The Most Incredible Prize)

    Since the last time this ran was 2009, and it was a lot of fun, I figured as well as myself many of you may wish to enter a new contest, a chance to show off our hard work and to win the ultimate prize... DUM DUM DUM ⭐️ ETERNAL GLORY ⭐️ That's right, you will have eternal glory...
  2. B

    Looking for best and/or strongest bud in Colorado rec

    Hey guys. Booger barn here with a question of ranks. (Pun) I recently stopped smoking for health reasons (moderation) and was looking for the dankest bud anyone has found. So far a batch of emerald og from medicine man that tested at 23% was probably the strongest I've had. Next would be snowcap...