
  1. Bignutes

    If you had to pick who stays and who goes

    If there was an impending apocalypse and tough decisions had to be made, and you had a choice who stays and who goes who would that be? My vote is anyone over 65, people who can't tow the line for whatever reason and anyone without kids over 40. To note I am in one of those categories.
  2. Bignutes

    Earth's Health - What we do to it.

    Jungles of Borneo where there are more species in a few hectares than all of Europe combined. 24% of this jungle remains, 1.3 million ha cleared annually. Mainly put into palm tree monoculture.
  3. esh dov ets

    end of the world

    if bombs dropped and there was only time for one song or so, what would you put on?