Zyme- when to use in soilless mixes?


Well-Known Member
A couple of basic questions: I know that for hydro setups, enzymes like zyme can help filter and clean out the slime to keep roots healthy. For soilless mixes, what do I gain by using zyme? How often should it be used? In what amounts? What situations would you use Zyme for if you don't apply it regularly?

To me it seems like it would be best used as semi regular addition to a normal feed to help clean things out or if a specific problem is suspected and the medium needs cleaned up. I know the DG feed chart is absurd so I want a little insight before I add any. I figured maybe 1/4 tsp per gallon every couple of weeks for maintenance. I just want to make sure it's actually helping in some way instead of just dumping money into the pots with the nutrients lol.
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