You Have No Idea How Wrong You Are


Well-Known Member

i came upon this and thought id share it
I found what he had to say interesting, but how he delivered it was not to my liking. The overall crux of us having to accept that all human scientific, social, and intellectual progress to date is still just an estimate at what we had to go on is well founded. Skepticism is a healthy part of any scientific approach, and certainly we should re-evaluate our beliefs when presented with new information. Well, DUH! That's the foundation of any form of critical thinking right there!

My problem is with how he presented his material. The glitzy powerpoint presentation. The rapid fire, shoot from the hip delivery. He didn't act like an educated college professor. He looked more like some greasy motivational speaker that even greasier executives hire to keep their company drones in line, and make them feel happy about being kept in line. Yeah, I've had to sit through too many of those.

If I had to give that presentation, I would have first retitled it "Everything we know is still just a best guess." Then I would expand on the fact that while some of the great thinkers of antiquity may not have had it perfectly right, they paved the way for others to clarify their original theories. Lastly I'd finish that for some disciplines, there is still a great deal of clarifying to go, and it is up to you as future scholars, teachers, and researchers to do that clarifying.

Just so you know. If you sound like the ShamWOW guy when giving a lecture, you're doing it wrong.