Yet another CFL grow.Comments always welcome,


Well-Known Member
Right then,Im really starting to like CFLs,my HPS has had dust collecting on it for at least a year now.
Im growing CH9 Vantage,DNA Sour cream,and a few Dinafem Road Runners.
Im using a 250w maxibrite(blue) a 250w maxibrite(red)and a handfull of small 20 watters.
The R/R are 2 weeks old and the Vantage and S/C have been vegging for around 4/5 weeks.



Well-Known Member
Im thinking that mabey I will veg the S/C and Vantage for another 4 weeks making the autos 6 weeks old and then switch to 12/12.
Any thoughts on the autos finishing their last 3 weeks or so on 12/12??? What do you think??


Active Member
most auto breeders tell you not to switch to 12/12 as it reduces yield however i think joint doctor says during the last few weeks u can swap to 16/8 and it shouldnt have any negative effects.


Well-Known Member
the 2 road runner autos are just for a bit of fun really,my main projects are the vantage and sour cream.


Active Member
personally id leave it 18/6 till the autos are done then u got that to smoke on while u wait for the rest, it'l take abit longer but in the end you'l get more


Well-Known Member
i think your right,it seems silly to spoil them for the sake of a few weeks.
thanks my friend..