Yellow and Brown Spots ending in death


Just lost most of my crop to this. Started out with small yellow and brown spots next to leaf veins, followed by leaves turning yellow than dead. Plant eventually died. First noticed at last stage of veg. Just put some plants from a friend that are 2 weeks into bloom in the room and they are starting to show same signs. Same nute mix and soil for 10 crops and now this. I desperately need any help/advice that anyone can offer.
Dude you gotta give the guys alot more info then that list your setup ,lights,medium,nuutrients how much you feed how much you water temp everything man


Sorry, I am new here. MH lighting, foxfarm soil, and General Hydroponics nutes. About 40 plants in the room. This was my tenth crop. The condition starts off with small yellow spots near leaf vein and than the leaf starts to yellow then drys up to crispy brown. This eventually infects the whole plant as it drys up to nothing. I just pulled all of the crop, but I had some other plants in the room that I had put there about two weeks ago and they are starting to do the same thing. Could they have a disease or virus?



Well-Known Member
just looks like a really bad case of mag..mag can start as spots and turn them yellow then kill the leaves off little by little..maybe you should try flushing the plants and then watering with some epsom salt and your nutes


I have flushed numerous times, but have not used epsom salts. I will give it a try. Thanks for your input.


Well-Known Member
I have used epsom salts as a preventative and problem solver with other peeps.. It works well.


I have the same issue, maybe??? I have yellowing leaves a serious PH issue, and today i found brown spots and what i thought was one black bug. What does the epsom salt do. I have heard others say to try it. I am confused do you add the salt to the nutes? Is it Mag defieciency or burn? Hog Daddy said he is going to spray that makes me think he is going to spray the salt.