WSJ article on vert LED hydro


Well-Known Member
$82,000 for a shipping container grow room? They're $3,000 CW, $12k could light it with new plc bars, and a week of DIY could finish outfitting the thing. :D $25,000 tops, and I can have it shipped do you for that price lol


Well-Known Member
supplemental CO2—all running on as little as 10 gallons of water and 80 kWh of energy per day.
can produce 48,568 marketable mini-heads of lettuce a year
at $80,000 each

so average price of electricity is 15c per KWH or 11 if comercial
average price to sell mini heads of lettuce

so if payin 11c per KWH then $3212 per year on lecky, assuming 1 man could run this as a full time gig and you sold mini-heads of lettuce for $1 each(dunno how likely that is thought seen as lettuce sells wholesale for about that per pound teh article says they sell for $1.25 but sound like BS to me) so say you spend another $356 on water and sewage

you are left with around 45k per year

then you need to buy nutrients, seeds media and ???

unless its a non-profit or you make money doing tours doesnt seem to add up

perhaps some one else can make sense of it?


Well-Known Member
Great implentations for the future. When we're out of farm space. Stacks of containers, just ride the lift to the door and tend your garden.

But their pricing probably reflects all the R&D and all that old tech leds. No idea how they expect to sell any considering you could make something yourself cheaper... even paying a contractor to do all the labor...