Wow, my Whiteberry is a hermie...


Well-Known Member
I've found 3 seeds so far, and it's not even dry/cured enough to keep looking yet...think the seeds will grow? If so, wooo hoo!


Well-Known Member
Both seeds are growing, and I've found 6 more that I'm storing away for future grows...I've got killer bud and seeds that sprout, what's the problem with hermies?


Active Member
sometimes hermies get way out of control and the entire bud is just saturated with seeds... other times you get what you experienced where the hermie just barely pollinates itself.
I'm told the odds of females are higher from hermie seeds as well.


Well-Known Member
I hope so, this was a fem seed...wonder why it hermied? It produced under 10 seeds, (from what I can see), and the biggest, nug-filled cola in my entire grow.